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A Supplement to T CONTENTS aking chances isn’t easy. Putting your faith into something new, whether it be entering an emerging market, growing unique varieties, investing in auto- mated equipment or sticking with an environmen- tally friendly method (even if it costs more) can leave room for error, for losses or even failure. But our 2015 Big 10 growers have taken the leap anyway in hopes of bettering their operations and serving their customers the best they can. And these Big 10 have done so by their employees and customers first, who in turn have supported them through the good and bad times. In the following pages, we present growers from California to Canada to New Jersey who have taken chances and show that sometimes, as long as you’re doing what you enjoy and believe in, making that jump is the right call. 28 America's Best Flowers Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 30 American Color, Inc. Orange, Virginia 32 Bob's Market & Greenhouses, Inc. Ohio/West Virginia/Georgia 34 Casertano Greenhouses & Farms Cheshire, Connecticut 36 Catoctin Mountain Growers Detour, Maryland 38 Center Greenhouse Denver, Colorado 40 Dallas Johnson Greenhouses Council Bluffs, Iowa 40 Matsui Nursery California/New Jersey 42 Rosa Flora Dunnville, Ontario 43 Sunbelt Greenhouses Georgia/Michigan  ::  April 2015  ::  Greenhouse Management  ::  27