Ball FloraPlant®

Create the Perfect Combo with NEW FunFusions™!

Combinations are one of the fastest-growing retail segments in the industry, and growers are constantly looking for new ideas. They know that not all consumers want predetermined mixes, and many would simply like to understand what grows well together for a custom look.

Growers can now create fun, inspirational combinations with the exciting new line of FunFusions™ Combos from Ball FloraPlant®!

FunFusions are tested recipes that provide modern appeal and trendy attraction. The varieties are carefully selected and trialed to grow well together and perform well for the grower and the consumer.

FunFusions are a delightful opportunity to create solutions for a wider variety of crops, seasons, weather conditions and space constraints.

Just order the components separately and plant following the detailed “plantograms” provided on the FunFusions web page at Let your next combination truly reflect your inspiration!

Photos courtesy of Ball FLoraplant

NEW Angelic in Amsterdam

Angelonia AngelDance™ Fuchsia Bicolor

Angelonia AngelDance™ Violet Bicolor

NEW Groovy in Granada

Double Impatiens Glimmer™ Bright Red

Coleus FlameThrower™ Salsa Verde

Coleus Burgundy Wedding Train

NEW Pastels in Paris

Angelonia Archangel™ Coral

Lantana Lucky™ Pink

Scaevola Blue Brilliance

NEW Sizzling in Sydney

Angelonia Archangel™ White

Scaevola Blue Brilliance

Cuphea Cherrybells

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