Chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis)

This indiscriminate pest will attack all sorts of crops.

Thrips can enter greenhouses through migration, or via contaminated cuttings or seedlings.
Photos ©Frank Peairs, Colorado State University,

Chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) attack plants with new foliage growth, and deform and at times discolor foliage. Chilli thrips are much smaller than western flower thrips, so they are extremely hard to see when you’re scouting.

Brett Alldredge, former pest management supervisor at Greenleaf Nursery in Texas, handled pest and disease control for 450 acres of ornamental crops. In Texas, Alldredge says chilli thrips start in April and continue to be a problem through October, peaking in the hot summer months.

“Those are a real challenge because they fly in waves, and they attack anything that flushes,” he says.

Matt McClellan is editor of sister publication Nursery Management. Contact him at

Sources: University of Florida IFAS, Texas AgriLife Extension

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