Chrysanthemum lace bug found on asters

Insect is active during May through September and feeds on herbaceous perennials

Univ. of Md. Extension personnel are seeing high populations of chrysanthemum lace bug (Corythuca marmorata) on asters. The chrysanthemum lace bug feeds on a wide range of herbaceous perennials in the Asteraceae or Compositae family including asters, sunflowers, black-eyed susans, goldenrods.
Chrysanthemum lace bug overwinters as adults and begins laying eggs in early spring. By late May or the first generation eggs are hatching, and adults are abundant by June. The bug is expected to have at least two generations. They will be active throughout the season into September.
Chrysanthemum lace bug feeds on the upper and lower leaf surface of host plants. Damage includes yellow stippling of the foliage that can progress to leaf browning and plant death. Look for black frass droplets on upper and lower leaf surfaces. Eggs are inserted into the leaf (mainly along major veins) and covered with frass droplets. If you have an infestation of chrysanthemum lace bug this year, next spring monitor for stippling damage, eggs and newly hatched nymphs.

If populations are high and damaging, an application of horticultural oil or insecticidal soap should reduce the insect numbers. There must be thorough coverage on upper and lower leaf surfaces.