A new year and a big milestone


Kristy J. O'Hara


Very few business media can say they've not only survived but been a pioneer in their industry for 30 years, yet that's where we here at Greenhouse Management find ourselves on the dawn of 2012 – celebrating three decades of forging the path for the greenhouse industry.

Over the last 30 years, we've provided the content you need and explored the issues pertinent to running your greenhouse business operations. And on page 32 you can read about how, by applying sound business principles, we've grown into the publication you've come to rely on today.

But more importantly than looking back and reflecting on 30 years of growth is looking forward. We're not business people here, but we are journalists, and as such, we've talked to the market about what's happening out there. Our sister publication, Garden Center, did the same, and what we're hearing is that your pre-orders are down. Not everywhere – some of you are fortunate enough to have bookings on par with last year or maybe even up – but, generally, you're worried, and you share those sentiments with the retailers we also spoke with, who admitted they weren't booking as they normally would.

So with a curveball thrown at your business this year, how do you overcome it? For our cover story, on page 16, we talked to experts about the business principles you need to apply to get through this. Some may sound basic, but when times get tough, it's easy to throw the things that got your business to where it is out the door and go on a quest for a silver bullet solution – which you'll never find.

In addition to helping you overcome down pre-bookings, we've also provided the technical knowledge you've come to rely on us for as well by looking at how to combat fungus gnats and shore flies and exploring organic and controlled-release fertilizers.

Dig in, and tell us what you think and what you want to read more about. I also invite you to connect with me on Twitter and Facebook, and I hope that you're as excited about our 30th anniversary as we are. Here's to 2012, and all the new that will come with it.

Twitter: @GMmagEditor

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