Back Page: Hitting the road

On a cold, rainy December day in Cleveland, three of the Greenhouse Management staff loaded into my car and made an hour trek to Lake County, Ohio, to visit a greenhouse and two nurseries.

Our tour was led by Roemer Nursery's Lisa Ungers, and she showed us around not only her nursery, but drove us through another local nursery, and scheduled our first stop at Shreve Greenhouse. There we met Dick and Susie Shreve as they were hard at work getting Christmas poinsettias out to local churches. Despite how busy they were, they took the time to show us around and educate us more on their greenhouse operations. From there, Ungers continued our tour with a final stop at Gilson Gardens where we had some laughs and great conversation with Annette Howard and Mark Gilson.

Overall, while the weather was a bit dreary, we had fun meeting everyone. As we gear up for 2012, I look forward to seeing more of you as we hit the road for shows and visits.

—Kristy O'Hara

Look for Editor Kristy O’Hara at TPIE January 17-20 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She’ll be there early for the TPIE Road Show, and she’ll be there each day soaking in the educational seminars along with the rest of the show. Say hi and introduce yourself.

January 2012
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