Perfecting productivity

Identify your staff’s motivating factors to improve performance.


“What’s in it for me?” This common phrase underscores the fact that people are primarily focused on the things that matter most to them. Consider the young car salesman who enthusiastically demonstrates to a 75-year-old female prospective buyer how the new model SUV’s spare tire bin can double as a beer cooler – perfect for tailgating!

It’s human nature to try to motivate another person from one’s own perspective. However, being motivated is an internal effort; it must be self-induced, not instilled by someone else. And when it comes to managing employees, motivation is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

People are motivated for different reasons, both personally and professionally. Understanding an associate’s individual motivating factor(s) can enhance coaching opportunities and improve productivity, as well as reduce turnover. Five common motivating factors are:

Compensation. “Show me the money!” This phrase is often heard at casinos, but it is also part of the mindset of an employee who has a purely financial perspective on professional opportunities. This is especially common among people in commission-based positions. Professionals who are motivated by money are less concerned about title, perks or even recognition. Instead, they operate from a “put it in my paycheck” mentality. Their philosophy is that if they can’t cash it, it has no real value. These employees are usually self-motivated and do not need a lot of coaxing to perform. They respond best to cash reward-based spiffs and bonuses that can be offered as additional incentives.

Advancement. A 26-year-old college graduate was convinced that he was making the right decision to turn down a position with a well-established corporation offering him a salary $15,000 a year more than the start-up venture group that was also interested in him. His desire to learn and grow in his new position with the start-up outweighed the income potential of the corporation. An employee who is motivated in this way genuinely thrives on the concept of moving up the corporate ladder. Offering constant reinforcement of advancement opportunities and highlighting examples of internal promotions are excellent ways to maintain a high level of motivation in this associate.

Recognition. For some people, simply receiving accolades for a job well done at any level is a key motivating factor. Recognition builds self-esteem and confidence while setting a positive example for others. A photo on a wall, a designated parking spot or a shout out at the department meeting can mean more than a bonus to the employee motivated by recognition — and it usually doesn’t impact the company budget.

Security. The well-known definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. On the other hand, doing the same responsibilities over and over with a consistent result is considered job security. In the case of the security-seeking employee, minimal change implies safety and increases motivation. When assured that their position is valuable and necessary for the long-term vision of the company, these employees experience comfort and will put forth maximum effort.

Personal satisfaction. A personal objective or a self-established goal is the greatest encouragement to the employee who is more motivated by personal satisfaction than money, advancement, recognition or security. It is common for this employee to be willing to commit to activities that are beyond the call of duty in an effort to move closer to achieving personal fulfillment. In coaching this team member, gain a respectful understanding of his or her personal agenda. Offer support to focus on what is necessary to accomplish the individual objectives that will simultaneously attain professional goals.


Diane Ciotta is the founder of The Keynote Effect, where she presents a passionate message of accountability and encourages activities to conquer complacency. She is also co-author of the book titled “Pushing to the Front.” For more, visit, email or call (732) 672-7942.

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