Passion — and possibilities


Amy Stankiewicz


As 2013 gets underway here at Greenhouse Management, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new editor of the magazine. I join the publication with more than 10 years of experience in the trade magazine industry, having led the editorial vision for publications serving the engineering, architecture and healthcare industries.

Now, as I turn my attention toward all of the exciting developments taking place within the greenhouse industry, I’m reminded of a childhood memory.

When I was young, my step-grandfather managed a greenhouse and cared for acres of various perennials and annuals as a hobby. During the day, he’d work as the owner of an engineering company, and in the evenings he’d don his gardening clothes and work outside until dark.

I was always amazed at the energy this 70-plus-year-old man had. How could he possibly find both the time and the motivation to care for so many acres after working a full day? The answer, of course, lies in the passion he had for gardening and the serenity he found in caring for his gorgeous plants. That’s what strikes me most about this industry — whether a professional full-time career or a part-time hobby, it seems that passion is the key ingredient to achieving success in horticulture.

I look forward to meeting you and learning how you’ve channeled your passion into achievement in this fascinating field. What are your challenges? What are your success stories? What do you need from us to help you improve your operations and increase revenue from year to year?

A publication’s success is the direct result of how well its editors answer readers’ wants and needs with timely, informative content that can help them grow their businesses. That’s my goal, and I welcome any input you have to make this magazine your main resource for managing your greenhouse operations.


Amy Stankiewicz |
216-236-5960 | Twitter: @Greenhousemag

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