We love California

A wrap-up from the California Spring Trials

The 2012 California Spring Trials have come and gone, but in case you weren’t able to make it out there with us, we wanted to show you what each of our editors who attended loved most from all the different plants, flowers and vegetables that we saw during our 500-mile road trip. Here you’ll see each editor’s top three favorites from the week.

Kelli’s picks:
Name: Kelli Rodda | Title: managing editor, Nursery Management

1. SunPatiens Compact Electric Orange
As a proud resident of North Texas, I seek out plants that do well in our sweltering summers. The intense sun, the relentless heat and the lack of precious rain pretty much wipe out any plant I try to grow after the Fourth of July. But that changed when Sakata introduced its SunPatiens line. These hybrids actually thrive in full sun from spring through frost and can take the heat. One of my favorite varieties at the California Spring Trials was the new Compact SunPatiens Electric Orange. The name is fitting – that orange is so vivid, it looks like part of a neon sign. I’m drawn to oranges, but this one is over the top. It’s going to look hot in containers this summer and ultra cool this fall.

2. Colocasia Royal Hawaiian ‘Hawaiian Punch’
This tantalizing treat from the tropics just has to be seen in person to truly appreciate its beauty. Green foliage has an iridescent quality that gives ‘Hawaiian Punch’ a hint of mystery. But it’s the striking red stems and red veins that give this selection oomph. It’s a phenomenal combination. ‘Hawaiian Punch’ will look awesome in pots or in the ground. The stems are really sturdy to boot, which hold up those big, glossy leaves.

3. Verbena Lanai Vintage Rose
Sometimes subtlety says it all. That’s certainly the case with Vintage Rose, a new color in the Lanai series of Verbena hybrida from Syngenta Flowers. The color combination is true to its name – it looks like a plant you’d see in a Victorian garden. When I saw it at California Spring Trials, I immediately thought of my grandmothers. Creamy white flowers are flecked with patches of rose – not too dark and not too light. It looked fantastic in large pots.

Heather’s Picks:
Name: Heather Tunstall | Title: managing editor, A Garden Life

1. Ball Horticulture’s Aquilegia Winky Pink
Despite the fact that I can’t say “Winky Pink” without giggling, this is such a cool, girly flower. It can’t decide if it wants to be sweet and innocent, or exciting and energetic – it reminds me of my niece with its undeniable femininity complemented with a lively spirit.

2. Hort Couture’s Primula Blue Zebra

The Blue Zebra is just wild – and I love it! It says “I may like pretty flowers, but I also love to rock.” I want to party with this Primula.


3. Fides Oro’s Starsister Double Crimson Picotee
This is such a striking flower – the colors, the large bloom, how you almost have to squint at it – but the truth is, I’m a sucker for dahlias. And this one caught my attention with the shock of white at the tips of the petals, and my favorite color, bright red, dominating the remaining real estate.

Laura’s picks:

Name: Laura Allen | Title: assistant editor, Greenhouse Management

1. Syngenta’s Wonderfall Trailing Pansy
It’s such a cliché, but there’s something about Blue Picotee Shades in the Wonderfall series that’s just breath-taking. I love how the yellow and pale blue fade into one another, and it appears that someone took a brush and gently dabbed the center of the petals. Simply dainty and beautiful.

2. Flamingo Holland Inc.’s Calla Odessa Black.
It’s just not your typical flower color; in fact, it’s pretty much the exact opposite of it. Which is why I love Calla Odessa. Dark in the center, slowly changing to a deep maroon around the tips of the petals. Striking and unique, I love how it stands alone.


3. Hishtil’s “Bonsai Basil”
I find few things cuter than the little basil tree we saw at Pacific Plug & Liner’s stop. With its tiny leaves and perfectly rounded shape, I made a mental note to add it to my future home garden. And let’s not forget how great it tasted! I’m definitely looking forward to some homemade pesto.

Kristy’s picks:

Name: Kristy O’Hara | Title: editor, Greenhouse Management

1. Hortus Group’s Heartbreaker ‘Vita’
Maybe it’s just my weak spot for tomatoes, but we saw this on our first day, and it’s a heart-shaped tomato, which I thought was incredibly cool. Or maybe I was hungry. No, it’s just cool. It’s a red tomato, but they plan to come out with purple and yellow ones in the future as well.

2. Hort Couture’s ‘Glamoflauge’ petunia
With so many petunias in the market, it seems odd that one of my favorites would be a petunia, but the leaves on Hort Couture’s ‘Glamoflauge’ were just something different. Combine that with the bright, colorful petals – I love bright colors – and you have one of my winners.

3. ABZ Seeds’ ‘Toscana’
Maybe I just love food, but I loved this beautiful, flowering strawberry plant. The berries alone are enough to capture my heart, but add to that the pretty pink flowers and you’ve got a winner in my mind.

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