Dahlia Dahlinova

A how-to production guide

Radiant colors, uniform flowering, excellent branching and a short crop time set Fides Oro’s Dahlinova apart from other dahlias. This series can tolerate rain and mildew and is very versatile in the landscape. Dahlinova thrives in containers and sunny flower borders, producing an abundance of large flowers all summer long.

For more: Fides Oro, www.fides-oro.com


  • Growing mix should be well-drained with sufficient moisture retention to prevent daily wilting.
  • Optimum pH is 6.0 to 6.2.
  • Thoroughly moisten growing mix with each irrigation or fertigation.
  • Growing mix EC 1.5 – 2.0 mS/cm (SME), no higher.
  • Good crop growth is obtained with constant 100 to 150 ppm N with additional micronutrients added from a complete N-P-K water-soluble fertilizer such as 15-5-15 or 17-5-17; the majority of N should be in nitrate form.
  • Avoid high-phosphorous fertilizers, which can reduce plant quality by encouraging soft, stretched growth.
  • Ideal day temperature is 65 to 70°F; ideal night temperature is 63 to 65°F.
  • High temperature averaging more than 75°F delays flowering and reduces flower size.
  • Use maximum light intensity. Avoid shading from overhead crops and use supplemental lighting with 400 to 500 footcandles (4,000 – 5,000 lux) HID lighting for 14 hours daily in mid-winter crops in low-light areas

Did you know?

In 5-inch or larger containers, plants can be pinched for extra fullness.

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