Variety Notebook

CATHARINA campanula. Stokesia MEL’s BLUE. Colocasia Royal Hawaiian ‘Kona Coffee’

CATHARINA campanula
CATHARINA is a low-growing campanula. It is a portenschlagiana type of Campanula that is also known as Dalmatian bellflower. CATHARINA exhibits zone 4 hardiness and is a great plant to use as a groundcover, in rock gardens or planted as a border plant. It is also a great plant to use for pot crops or in mixed containers.

For more: Pacific Plug & Liner,

Stokesia MEL’s BLUE
MEL’S BLUE is an upright selection with 4-in.-wide periwinkle blue blooms held high and flat on strong stems. This is one Stoke’s aster that can be used for cutting. Super large, highly visible, brightly colored blooms stand out well against the deep, grass-green foliage. MEL’S BLUE is loaded with blooms that open over a long period of time (June to August are peak bloom times) and will provide continual color for months in a garden or in mixed containers.

For more: Pacific Plug & Liner,

Colocasia Royal Hawaiian ‘Kona Coffee’
Colocasia Royal Hawaiian ‘Kona Coffee’ has a unique dwarf compact habit with an ultimate height of 2 to 3 feet. It forms a tight clump that provides a tropical look in the garden without sacrificing premium real estate. This introduction by master breeder Dr. John Cho of Hawaii is topped all summer with glossy, slightly cupped foliage that ranges from dark forest green to roasted coffee-bean brown held on dark petioles. Colocasia ‘Kona Coffee’ grows well in full sun or part shade and prefers moist soil. This variety is robust and disease resistant while not exhibiting any signs of runners.

For more: Plant Haven,


Insider Info
CATHARINA campanula is native to the Dalmatian Mountains in Croatia.

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