Nonstop Joy Yellow

At California Spring Trials, Benary introduced a new type of tuberous begonia that is easy to sleeve and easy to ship. Nonstop Joy Yellow has intense yellow blooms on a well-branched, slightly trailing habit. The overall result is a well-branched globe shaped habit that doesn’t break open or split in shipping. Perfect for hanging baskets, large pots or mixed containers, Nonstop Joy Yellow opens up a new product class for programs that need to be shipped long distances.


  • Plant 288/tray plugs into 4-inch pots or larger, great for 10-inch (or larger) hanging baskets.
  • Use a well-drained, growing substrate; pH 5.5-5.8; EC1.25 - 1.5.
  • Long days of 14 to 16 hours are required throughout production to initiate flowering and keep plants from producing tubers.
  • Shading is required when light levels surpass 4,000-foot candles to prevent leaf edge burn.
  • After transplanting, providing 67°F days and 65° nights helps to get the plants established, encourages larger bloom size and achieves the fastest crop time.
  • To increase the flower size, raise the moisture and fertility slightly once buds are formed. An application of potassium nitrate can keep the plants more compact.
  • Do not keep the media saturated. Allow to dry back between waterings.


  • Alternate between a calcium-based fertilizer and an ammonium-based fertilizer at 50 to 100 ppm nitrogen every 2 to 3 waterings, gradually increasing in the later stages to a constant 100 ppm.
  • Fertilizing with potassium nitrate and lowering the temperature to 61°F (16°C) 1 to 2 weeks prior to shipping will help to tone the plants.
  • Growth Regulators: Very low rates of Cycocel or B-Nine can be used once plants are established in the final container depending on region grown.

Pests and diseases

  • Apply preventative sprays for botrytis, pythium and rhizoctonia as needed. Spacing the plants will increase overall plant quality. Keep humidity levels low to avoid powdery mildew.

Crop timing

  • 4-inch pots (1 ppp) - 7 to 8 weeks from a 288 tray.
  • 6-inch pots (1-2 ppp) - 8 to 9 weeks from a 288 tray.
  • 10-inch baskets (3- 5 ppp) - 11 to 12 weeks from a 288 tray.
June 2015
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