Reliable relations

How customer service plays a part in Circle Fresh Farm’s cooling system

When Circle Fresh Farms was struck by lightning, it needed parts for its cooling system immediately. Amazingly, when the team called their supplier, someone answered and got the ball rolling – even at 8:30 p.m.

Ryan Kennison of Circle Fresh Farms, a network of independent Colorado growers, says it’s this type of customer service the company needs with its cooling system.

“When you’re dealing with a high value crop, that means a lot to us,” he says.

Circle Fresh Farms installed a newer system last summer but has been with its supplier for five years because of the customer service.

Not only is Circle Fresh Farms able to rely on its supplier should something go wrong, it also liked that the cooling system was designed to fit its needs. It’s a big factor to consider when the crops you’re producing are edible and organic.

“Because we are organic, we can’t just go out and spray pesticides to get rid of stuff,” Kennison says.

Controlling the environment is crucial in the prevention of disease, so the company needed a cooling system that worked specifically for the crops they were growing.

“That ‘one size fits all’ attitude just doesn’t work,” he says.

He also says it was the ease of the installation process that’s really helped. Having every part of the cooling system ready in a complete unit means the installation can take place in a day compared to the time it used to take, which was three or four days. Circle Fresh Farms has continued to add more greenhouses to its operations, and a shorter installation time means a faster return to production.

If you’re in the market for a new cooling system, Kennison suggests first understanding what your needs are, and says not to undersize yourself.

“Don’t try to skimp and save a few bucks by buying one that might get you by,” he says. “You may have those freak days where it gets up to 105 degrees outside.”

It’s also important to feel comfortable with your supplier. If an equipment failure happens in the middle of the summer, you risk losing a crop. Just like the time Circle Fresh Farms was struck by lightning, having a company you can rely on makes a difference.

For more: Circle Fresh Farms, (720) 446-9355 or

Photo courtesy of Schaefer Ventilation Equipment

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