Get ready, get set … for healthcare reform


Amy Stankiewicz


It has been several years since the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law, setting in motion some of the most significant and sweeping changes in health coverage. Though the future isn’t set in stone, as the current legislation stands, one thing is for certain: It’s coming, and you need to be ready for it.

There are a few steps every business needs to take to get ready, says Bob Graboyes, senior fellow for health and economics for the National Federation of Independent Business Research Foundation and advisor on healthcare policy. Our story on page 28 will walk you through these steps and explain what a full-time employee actually means. This is particularly important for greenhouse growers whose staff is typically composed of part-time, seasonal workers, especially during their busy times.

Speaking of employment, the discussions revolving around immigration reform are likely to be top of mind for all greenhouse growers.

On April 16, the bipartisan group of senators known as the ‘gang of eight’ introduced the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. At press time, the 844-page bill was slated for discussion and amendment in the Senate Judiciary Committee, beginning May 9 before moving to a vote of the full Senate as early as June.

Craig J. Regelbrugge, co-chair of the Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform and vice president for government relations for the American Nursery & Landscape Association, is working closely with policymakers in Washington on the agricultural provisions. He provides an explanation of the basic structure of the agricultural bill on page 32 of this issue, as well as outlines how the potential benefits and pitfalls of this new law may impact greenhouse growers. No matter how the immigration bill turns out, all growers will need to keep this issue top of mind.

We’d love to hear about how immigration reform and implementation of PPACA requirements are impacting your growing operation — as always, feel free to contact me at any time.


Amy Stankiewicz |
216-236-5960 | Twitter: @Greenhousemag

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