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Cotyledon orbiculata Orbit
Medium-sized, fleshy, round leaves are a dusty blue color with a contrasting red margin. Flower stalks appear in mid-summer with a profusion of orange blossoms.
For more: www.pweuro.com
Calandiva Ewbanks
Kalanchoe have dark-green waxy leaves that contain hundreds of individual flower clusters. They provide long-lasting color for both indoor and outdoor use and like bright light if indoors and full sun to partial shade if outdoors. They are drought-tolerant and easy to care for, and the flowers are long-lasting. Calandiva Ewbanks is a new large-flowered Double White addition to the Calandiva Series from Fides Breeding. Ewbanks is best for either 4- or 6-inch pots and has many flower clusters in pure white.
For more: www.dummenusa.com
Sedum Cherry Truffle
Emerald Coast Growers offers Sedum Cherry Truffle, a new addition to the Candy Series. Small leaves emerge red-purple on well-branched plants and turn to rich chocolate brown. Copious clusters of deep-pink flowers appear in late summer. This plant stays upright in the garden or in pots, thanks to the short growth habit and vigor of the Candy Series. Cherry Truffle reaches 16 to 18 inches tall and prefers full sun. Hardy to zones 4 to 9.
For more: www.ecgrowers.com
Echeveria Coral Reef
The Coral Reef Series from Green Fuse Botanicals is unique in that it includes three varieties that are well-matched in form and size. The wavy contours of the foliage are maintained through maturity. Coral Reef is also included in Green Fuse Botanicals’ Lifestyle Plant collection. After spending the summer outdoors, this echeveria continues to perform in bowls or containers indoors during the colder temperatures of winter. Coral Reef Red has a burgundy-red margin that will brighten under high light and cool night temperatures. Coral Reef Pink shows off soft-pink margins in contrast to the green leaves, and Coral Reef Aqua is a sea-green color throughout the entire plant.
For more: www.green-fuse.com
Sedum makinoi Ogon
Ogon has tiny pale-golden round leaves that are massed on a spreading form. It typically forms a dense mat growing to only 2 inches high and creeping to 12 inches wide or more. Best golden-leaf color usually occurs with some afternoon shade. This plant’s eye-catching color and texture is great in containers.
For more: www.hortcoutureplants.com
Aeonium Kiwi
This bright aeonium is enough to fill anyone’s container color pallet. This plant forms attractive rosettes of fleshy cream leaves edged in fiery red. Bright yellow blossoms appear in summer. It produces offsets freely and will add a sparkle to any combination container.
For more: www.hortcoutureplants.com
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Tessera succulents
The beauty of the Tessera program goes beyond skin deep, offering brilliant benefits for eco-conscious gardeners and growers alike. Cold-hardy varieties like sedum, sempervivum and delosperma are perfect for green walls and roofs, while more tropical selections like aloe, agave and echeveria can really ramp up the processing speed on your succulent program’s success. Tessera varieties are also available in mixed trays, and picture tags are available for every variety.
For more: www.plugconnection.com
Agave hybrid Blue Glow — This is a smaller agave with solitary rosettes, blue-green leaves and short, red terminal spines.
Agave pygmaea Dragon Toes — This is a dwarf blue agave with thick, chunky leaves with red tips and distinct imprints that are perfect for small gardens.
Aloe deltoideodonta Sparkler — Triangular dark-green to reddish-brown leaves with tiny streaks and spots of white and small soft teeth on the edges complement pink to red flowers.
Crassula falcata Propeller — Interesting grey-green propeller-shaped glaucous leaves are arranged in overlapping pairs with clusters of tiny scarlet to orange- red scented florets that rise above foliage.
Delosperma dyeri PSDOLD Red Mountain — This is a succulent covered with lush, red flowers in spring and is perfect for rock gardens and low-water plantings.
Sempervivum hybrid Lavender — Gray-green rosettes with lavender-to-rose highlights contrast with very fine silver hairs along the evergreen leaf margins.
Agave lophantha Quadricolor
This is a small yet distinctive agave that reaches only 1 foot in diameter and bears striking 6- to 8-inch-long, dark-green, yellow-edged leaves with a pale-green midstripe. Prefers full sun.
For more: www.ranchotissue.com
Agave pelona Excalibur
Excalibur features a dark-green dense rosette of narrow, toothless leaves that reaches 2 to 4 feet across. A long reddish spine tips each leaf. Since they do not cluster, the singular rosettes are very symmetrical. The flowers are an unusual deep reddish-purple; they’re borne on a tall, unbranched spike in the spring. Full sun, very drought tolerant.
For more: www.ranchotissue.com
Jewel of the Desert delosperma
From Skagit Gardens comes a new, very long-blooming series of delosperma with a great assortment of colors. The Jewel of Desert Series features winter-hardy perennials with succulent leaves and brightly colored daisy flowers. They are excellent for dry areas such as rock gardens, walls and sunny slopes, and they make a showy ground cover in a xeric landscape. While most other delosperma bloom seasonally for a short time, these flower steadily from spring until frost for an all-season carpet of color. Height: 4–6 inches; spread: 8 inches. Introduced by Concept Plants.
For more: www.skagitgardens.com
Sedum Marina
Marina features oblong blue-grey leaves that tint purple in the summer, and it produces rose-pink flowers in late summer. This plant has a low-spreading mound with vigorously forming crowns, making it a perfect fit for potted containers. For optimal performance, Marina requires mineral soils with full sun exposure in zones 4 to 10. The average size of this variety is 10 inches in height/24 inches in width/12 inches in flower height.
For more: www.terranovanurseries.com
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Sedum Rosetta
Sedum Rosetta has blue-green leaves that open like icy-blue roses on new growth in the spring. Its leaves stay on their upright-arching stems all summer, and white flower clusters form on the ends of each branch in late summer. Compared to Hab Grey, Rosetta is more upright, has smaller leaves and shorter internodes. This variety is great for edging and works well in mass, mixed beds and borders. The average size of this variety is 16 inches in height/30 inches in width/22 inches in flower height, and it grows best in zones 4 to 10.
For more: www.terranovanurseries.com
Fantastic Kalanchoe
Paddle-shaped leaves with dynamic shades of burgundy, red, yellow and green make this a must-have for any succulent collection.
For more: www.pweuro.com
Kalanchoe eriophylla Snow Bunny
Pettably soft, silver hairs cover the thick, oval blue-green leaves that have tips touched with purple.
For more: www.pweuro.com
Kalanchoe synsepala Gremlin
Show-stopping rosettes of wide lime-green leaves are offset by scalloped burgundy margins. Aerial plantlets shoot off of long, wiry stems.
For more: www.pweuro.com

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