Angelonia ‘Alonia’

A how-to production guide

This vegetative series provides benefits not afforded in seed varieties, including thicker, sturdier stems and flowers two to three times larger. An interspecific cross, ‘Alonia’ grows vigorously with good branching. It forms a compact, mounded growth habit with glossy, dark green leaves. It spreads to 18 to 20 inches and grows about 20 inches tall. Fast growing and floriferous, it produces blooms throughout the entire length of the stem. Currently available in six colors, Alonia is sturdy and heat tolerant. It flowers throughout the entire summer, and is ideal in hanging baskets and pots.


  • For 4-inch pots, use one liner per pot. Plants will be ready for sale (from rooted cutting) within five to eight weeks. For 6-inch pots, use one to two liners per pot. Plants will be ready in seven to 10 weeks.
  • Pinch once in trays about 10 days before liner planting, or about 10 days after planting and establishing.
  • Plant growth regulators are optional, and are not necessary under high light intensities. Provide one to three sprays of ALAR (B-Nine) at 3 gr/L according to required plant size.
  • Provide daytime temperatures of 68 to 82°F and nighttime temperatures of 62 to 65°F.
  • Plants prefer full sunlight to partial shade (minimum 6,000 foot candles (fc)/60,000 lux).
  • Maintain pH at 5.5 to 6.3 and electrical conductivity (EC) at 0.6 to 0.9.
  • Use a well-drained, disease-free potting mix.
  • Provide constant feed with a balanced fertilizer (200 to 250 ppm nitrogen) that contains average levels of micronutrients.
  • Plants should be kept moist, but not over watered, to prevent root damage.
  • Monitor carefully for insects, including aphids and thrips, and diseases including botrytis and pythium.


Did you know?
‘Alonia’ is an interspecific cross that grows vigorously and has good branching.

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