Agapanthus hybrida ‘Gold Strike’ from PlantHaven is a colorful New Zealand selection with gold and green variegated foliage. In mid-summer it’s topped with deep blue flower buds opening to picotee blue-and-white striped individual blooms.
The Acapulco series is part of the Ecke Flower Fields’ low-maintenance Painted Dunes Collection. Colors include Salmon & Pink, Orange, Rose and Yellow & Pink. These extremely fragrant plants attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Purple is new to Syngenta Flowers’ Patina “easy care” series. The plants’ no-pinch habit requires no deadheading in the garden. Plants won’t cycle or burn out in the summer heat and sun, which means continual color all season long.
Alcea rosea Spring Celebrities series is a new dwarf, multi-stemmed hollyhock series from American Takii. Bred by Sahin, there are four colors (Carmine-Rose, Lemon, Purple and White) and a Formula Mix. Large, semi-double to double flowers develop along the length of the stems. Plants grow to 1½-2 feet.
Lilian is the latest addition to Van Zaten Plants’ Princess Lilies line. The compact plants can be used in containers and in landscape beds. Lilian produces 2½- to 3-inch lilac flowers on 10-14 inch tall plants.
Two varieties have been added to the Wonderland series from Benary. Deep Rose Improved has been selected for a much brighter flower color. Giga White produces big flowers and is more vigorous (6 inches tall) than the rest of the Wonderland series.
The SunDancer series is a member of the Ecke Painted Dunes Collection. Vigorous and free-branching, the plants’ upright habit adds height to combinations. Available in Pink, White and Purple, these heat-loving plants extend the summer season.
Hort Couture’s Applique series has three varieties (Blue, Pink and White) that are compact with medium-sized flowers. They are well branched making for very full plants.
Danziger’s Argyranthemum frutescens Angelic Magenta is a very compact plant that produces single, medium-sized magenta flowers with a yellow eye. It is suitable for planting in pots or by itself in the garden.
Pink is an early flowering variety from GGG International. The flower color does not vary due to changes in temperature or growing media pH.
Selecta’s LaRita series adds two new varieties and an improvement. Rose has crested rose flowers, low-medium vigor and performs great outdoors. Compact White has a low vigor not requiring any growth regulators and is great for smaller pots. White evol. has been improved with a medium-high vigor and great summer performance.
Ecke Flower Fields has added Red to its Comet series. Series performance makes it possible to grow the varieties together or in combination with predictable results.
Sole Mio Improved from Ecke has good garden performance with an attractive upright/mounding habit. Growers can extend their season with these for cool weather production in 4-inch and larger pots.
Perfect Pink, Primrose Path and She Loves Me are part of Hort Couture’s Dress Up series.
The Secrets series from Cohen Propagation Nurseries expands with four new colors all with large flowers. XXL Blue Delight has light blue flowers, XXL Central Pink is light pink with a darker pink center ring, XXL Silver Sky is a very light silver blue and White.
The Party James Brittannia series from Cohen has nine colors. Plants are fast, easy to grow and more heat tolerant than regular bacopa series. These well-branched plants produce large flowers.
‘Bahia White Night’ from Dummen is very early flowering with large white flowers that contrast nicely with its dark green foliage.
Danziger’s new ‘Scopia Great Violet Magic’ is a large-flowered, deep violet bacopa. With flowers just under an inch in diameter, it flowers freely and abundantly.
Ecke is offering Gulliver Blue Sensation and Great Regal Blue from the Danziger-bred Scopia series. Plants can be grown cool for spring sales.
Blue is a new dark blue color addition to Proven Winners’ Snowstorm series. Pink Improved has been improved for larger flower size and stronger pink color. These sutera hybrids reach 4-6 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide.
Aristotle is a distinctive ornamental and edible basil (Ocimum bascilicum) from Vegetalis. It grows in a neat mound with small leaves.
Syngenta Flowers has made improvements to some of its fibrous begonias. Eureka Bronze Leaf and Green Leaf Scarlet. The Eurekas fill plugs and pots quickly especially in low-light and low-heat production situations. Scarlet has been improved in the compact and well-branched green-leaf Varsity series. All of the colors are uniform.
The green leaf Begonia semperflorens F1 Monza series from American Takii is an ideal bedding plant, suitable for nearly all climate conditions. Bred by Global Flowers, plants hold up to high temperatures as well as windy and rainy conditions. Colors include Appleblossom, Coral, Pink, Rose, Salmon Orange, Scarlet and White.
Begonia semperflorens Gum Drops Coco series is a bronze leaf addition to Green Fuse Botanicals’ existing green leaf series. The new colors include Rose and White. The plants produce large, fully double flowers that contrast nicely against the dark foliage.
Benary has added Olympia Bicolor to its Super series making a total of seven colors. Its 6- to 8-inch tall mounding habit is ideally suited for mass bed plantings or annual borders.
Peaches ‘n Cream is the newest addition to the Benary Begonia tuberhybrida Illumination series. It produces an abundance of large double flowers in a spectrum of soft peach and cream shades.
Ecke Geraniums-Oglevee Products has added Koppe Begonia Baladin, Bellona, Berseba and Berseba Red to its Spectrum series. These varieties have been selected for consistent habit and flower timing and are adaptable to year-round programs.
Selecta’s Begonia boliviensis Bonfire Scarlet has a very similar habit and flower compared to the original Bonfire. It is also drought tolerant.
The Dazette series from Oro Farms offers three colors (Yellow, Orange and White), that were selected under high heat and humidity conditions to produce plants with narrower leaves and excellent branching. Plants, which can be grown pot tight, produce many flowers just above the foliage.
Petite Beauty from Ecke has all the great qualities of the Outback varieties with petite yellow flowers. This variety was selected due to superior performance characteristics in the greenhouse and the garden. Exceptional heat tolerance makes it ideal for summer sales. Plants grow 8-10 inches tall in the garden.
Selecta First Class has made several additions in its MiniFamous series of calibrachoa. Plants in the MiniFamous Double series flower early, have a semi-trailing habit and an easy-to-control medium vigor. The three new varieties are Double Orange, Double Lemon and Double Amethyst.
New to the MiniFamous MiniDouble series is Magenta, which has a mounding habit, flowers extremely early and is covered with small double flowers.
Deep Yellow, Electric Purple, Pink Red Eye and Vampire evol. have been added to the MiniFamous series.
Yellow and Lavender are new colors in Proven Winners’ Superbells series. Yellow produces bright yellow blooms. Lavender’s petite flowers are delicately marked with pale to dark lavender venation. The full sun plants reach 6-10 inches tall and 14-20 inches wide.
Calitunia Pink from Danziger combines the best qualities of both petunia and calibrachoa. It has no pH sensitivity issues because it performs exactly like a petunia, yet it looks exactly like a calibrachoa. It offers outstanding outdoor performance, excellent mounding vigor and lustrous hot pink color all season long.
Hort Couture is offering the new Catwalk series which has 12 separate colors and three collections. Plants are early flowering, heat tolerant and compact. The collections (Milan, Paris and Bangkok) consist of mixed liners and are called Ready-to-Wear.
Jackson & Perkins Wholesale has added Magenta Pink, Terra Red and White to the Million Bells mounding series. Magenta Pink produces bright magenta flowers with hues of pink. Terra Red displays a mosaic of yellow, orange and red shades with an emphasis on the red colors. White is a bright, clean color and very floriferous, flowering from early spring to late fall in most zones.
‘Noa Dark Pink Carnival’ from Danziger combines an unusual pure white center with a hot pink flower. It is a tough plant and continuous blooming.
Ecke is offering Colorburst PRO Red Improved, which has been improved for habit and timing. This series is compact and early flowering. Their habit makes them easy to grow and transport without damage while providing durability at retail.
Additions to Cohen’s Caloha series include: Compact Red Orange, Compact Red, Pink Orange Star, Deep Yellow, Shiny Orange and Lemon Improved. Plants are naturally compact with short internodes so no growth regulators are needed. Plants have a semi-hanging or trailing habit.
‘Gold Crown’ and ‘Alpine’ from Golden State Bulb Growers are the newest Callafornia Calla releases. ‘Gold Crown,’ which is best suited for large pots/specimen containers, produces numerous tall, rich, golden-yellow flowers. It has a relatively short production schedule. ‘Alpine’ is a naturally compact creamy-white with durable foliage and flowers. It is well-suited for 6-inch and larger size pots.
Centradenia inaequilateralis ‘Blushing Cascade’ from PlantHaven produces billows of light pink flowers on bushy, prostrate trailing plants. The flowers contrast dramatically with the foliage, which is dark olive green during summer, orange and crimson-red in fall, and dark-red/purplish during winter. In warmer climates, this day neutral plant flowers non-stop nearly year-round. It reaches 24 inches tall and 36 inches wide at maturity.
Gigantic chive (Allium sibiricum) from Vegetalis is a great item for mixed containers with arching stems and delicate white flowers.
Coleus ‘Pink Ruffles’ from GroLink is a sturdy and durable variety reaching 15-18 inches tall. This mildew-resistant variety grows well in the full sun or shade. Its leaves have jagged edges with pink on the inside and white/tan on the outside.
Cuphea llavea ‘Flamenco Jive’ from PlantHaven was specifically bred for compact habit, high flower volume, large upright facing flower presentation and a long flowering season. Plants produce large flowers with dark cerise petals and a darker purple center and smooth light green leaves. Plants reach 16 inches tall and wide.
Cuphea hyssopifolia Border series from Skagit Gardens has two varieties that produce multitudes of prominently displayed miniature flowers above their finely textured foliage. Much more compact than other cupheas, and with a distinctly rounded form. Magenta produces bright magenta flowers on 6-inch tall plants. Southern displays light violet flowers on 8-inch tall plants.
Cuphea ignea Matchmaker series from Kieft-Pro-Seeds includes White, Scarlet and Pink. These compact plants reach 8-10 inches tall and wide. The plants have a long flowering period and a self-cleaning habit with wide climate acceptance.
The Vienco cuphea series from GGG International contains seven colors. Plants have decorative growth and large flowers. They make the perfect container plant for hot weather.
The new Midola F1 intermediate series from Hem Genetics is a uniform early flowering series for pot and landscape use. Colors include Scarlet, Salmon, Pink with Eye, Rose, Purple and White.
Jardina is a new F1 series from Hem Genetics for landscape and patio use. Early flowering plants have a compact habit and excellent outdoor performance. Colors include Scarlet, Rose, White, Purple and a Formula Mixture.
Scarlet has been improved for color and plant habit in Hem Genetics’ miniature F1 Minola series. Centrally held fragrant flowers bloom abundantly over a long period of time.
Schoneveld Twello has introduced several new F1 series and made additions to existing series.
Super Series Da Vinci is a new silver-leaved series with a round plant structure, thick strong flower stems and long-lasting, abundant flowers. Similar to the green leaf Super Series Compact, they can be produced simultaneously. Da Vinci has six colors.
The new silver leaf Super Series Picasso is based on the existing Mini Winter series. Both have a more open structure, so plants do well in more humid conditions. Picasso, which has seven colors, is exceptionally suited for outdoor use.
Super Series Allure is a new series of medium size plants with medium-sized flowers, uniform flowering with strong stems and a compact structure. The series, which has nine colors, was developed for growing in warm seasons and smaller pot sizes.
Super Series Mini Winter has proven itself for outdoor use. The series has 13 colors including the improved Dark Violet and Wine Red Flamed. The series was developed for late season production under lower temperatures and higher humidity.
Wine Red Flamed is new to the Super Series Verano, which now has 13 colors. Flowering is not delayed when grown in extremely warm conditions and the plant structure remains perfectly round. The plants have thick flower stems and a long flowering period. The series’ very uniform flowering makes it extremely suitable for a tight production schedule. This series also was a strong performer in the company’s outdoor trials.
Proven Winners has added two plants to its Graceful Grasses collection. Cyperus involucratus Baby Tut has a distinctive color, texture and performance. This petite, upright Egyptian papyrus is a fast grower, reaching 18-24 inches tall and 30-48 inches wide.
Cyperus papyrus King Tut is a distinctive plant with large heads of pendulous leaves. Its greenish spikelets can measure 1-inch across. This upright plant reaches 48-72 inches tall and wide.
Dahlia variabilis Deco Mix from Kieft-Pro-Seeds has a well-balanced color palette with double and semi-double flowers measuring 2½-3½ inches in diameter. Plants have a compact and uniform pack performance reaching a final height of 12 inches.
Syngenta adds Coral to its Elation series, which is among the earliest and best branching interspecific series on the market. The long lasting garden performance with abundant flowering makes it a versatile plant for spring or fall.
Purple expands to six the colors in the F1 Dianthus chinensis double-flowered Grace series from Hem Genetics. Plants are early to flower with a strong branching habit.
White expands the Hem Genetics’ F1 Dianthus interpsecific Elegance series to four colors. Double lacy flowers are produced on tall, strong branching plants. Excellent for large containers.
Dianthus caryophyllys SuperTrouper series from Selecta adds Red + White and Pink + White expanding to 15 colors. White and Purple have been improved.
Orange is the second hybrid cultivar in the Flirtation series from Proven Winners. It produces orange flowers continuously and it has a sturdy, semi-trailing habit. Plants reach 8-10 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide. It does best in full to partial sun.
The Starlias series from GGG International is early flowering and very uniform with good branching. The flower life is extremely long. Plants should be pinched once and they do not need any growth regulators. Colors include Pink, White and Red and bicolors Orange-Yellow and Burgundy.
Orange ’10, Rose Bicolor and Yellow have been added to Syngenta’s Goldalia series. The plants’ naturally compact growth habit and excellent branching allow for easy racking and shipping.
‘Miracle White’ from Green Fuse Botanicals has clear, large flowers. It strengthens any mixed container.
The Diva series from Hort Couture contains Coral, Pink and Red. Plants have an upright habit and produce large flowers.
Aubergine Ivory and Ebony eggplant (Solanum melongena) are two compact varieties from Vegetalis that reach just 20 inches tall at maturity. These high yielding plants produce small attractive white (Ivory) and purple (Ebony) fruit.
Eschscholzia californica ‘Cream Swirl,’ a Fleuroselect Novelty Award winner from Thompson & Morgan, produces double cream colored flowers on plants that reach 10 inches tall.
The new Breathless series from Ball FloraPlant includes the only red-flushed leaf form Blush and a better branching White. Plants are durable, low-maintenance and long-lasting in containers and in-ground plantings. These versatile, heat-tolerant, fine-textured varieties fill in fast developing into stocky, mounded plants. They display a showy mass of self-cleaning flowers all season long in all summer conditions. Plants reach a height of 8-15 inches and spread of 20-28 inches.
Euphorbia ‘Hip Hop’ from GroLink has a full, mounding habit and is heat- and drought-tolerant. It has nice green foliage and non-stop white flowers. It is an excellent annual for the landscape or in combinations for the spring or mixed with poinsettias for Christmas sales.
Double Sunshine Silver from GGG International is the first double flowering euyrops on the market.
No. 149 is an addition to GGG International’s Summermelody series. Varieties in this series are distinguished by their early and abundant flowers, compact growth and strong weather stability.
The Arêtes series contains eight new varieties that are a part of Dummen’s Garden Collection line. There are four upright and four trailing types that have medium vigor, good branching and early flowering making them great for shipping.
Red/White from Green Fuse Botanicals is new to the Windchimes hanging basket series. The variety’s flowering response is in Group 2 and its substantial plant size nicely rounds out the series.
Mesa Yellow from PanAmerican Seed is the first F1 gaillardia from seed. It is a 2010 All-America Selections and Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner. Mesa Yellow delivers a more uniform habit with more flowers than other varieties. The vigorous, early-flowering and well-branched plant fills a gallon container quickly while maintaining a uniform, controlled height. Very drought tolerant once established, Mesa Yellow shows intense, non-fading color all season on upright, well-branched plants. Height is 16-18 inches, spread is 20-22 inches.
Trumpet Red from Selecta has an interesting flower form with large flowers. It is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 5.
Papillon Pink is part of Ecke’s low-maintenance Painted Dunes Collection. It is a great landscape plant and the perfect addition to combination planters. The variety has been a strong performer in field trials everywhere and is easy-to-produce.
Big Kiss F1 series from Goldsmith Seeds doesn’t require any plant growth regulators. It is available in two bold colors (White Flame and Yellow Flame) and a mixture. Full, bushy plants and strong stems support 4½-inch wide flowers high above the foliage. Plants can take the heat and adapt to water stress.
Fides has introduced its Master Idols series of zonal geraniums. The uniform, vigorous plants tolerate warm conditions. Their strong branching habit fills out containers and covers large areas in the landscape. They produce an abundance of large attractive flowers. Six colors are available: Red, Scarlet Red, Coral, Pink, Neon Purple and White.
Purple is the latest addition to the double flowered Summer Idols zonal geranium series from Fides. Plants in the series are early flowering and have a beautiful round plant shape.
Horizon Violet Picotee Shades is a new color in Floranova’s F1 Pelargonium × hortorum series.
Mint Chocolate is a new F1 Pelargonium × hortorum series from Floranova. It is available in Cherry, Candy and a Mix. Dark, fancy foliage contrasts beautifully with the bright colored flowers.
The new Dancer F2 Pelargonium × hortorum series from Floranova was bred for high volume production. Colors include: Red, White, Deep Rose, Orange, Pink, Salmon and a Mix.
There are four colors in Dummen’s new Grandiosa interspecific geranium series. Plants root easily in four weeks. Production benefits are plants require no pinching or cool period vernalization. Plants are continuous blooming with no cycle flowering so they are good for outdoor and indoor use.
Hot Coral, Orange and Pink have been added to Syngenta’s Caliente series, which has very good edema resistance and large shatter-resistant flowers. The plants’ heat tolerance provides continuous color under all conditions.
Syngenta’s Calliope series brings together the best features of ivy and zonal geraniums. The new Scarlet Fire produces large, stunning semi-double flowers in full sun or partial shade.
Syngenta’s ‘Cascade White’ is a vigorous plant with a trailing habit that flowers freely. This new variety requires minimal maintenance for maximum flower set.
Added to Green Fuse Botanicals Solstice regal geranium series is Pink Azalea, which adds a new flare with rose, pink and white tones. White with Rose Eye Improved has a larger plant structure that more closely matches the other colors in the series.
Purple Majesty is the latest addition to Ecke Geraniums-Oglevee Products’s Elegance early spring season regal series. Plants have a uniform habit and flower timing. Plants produce full flowers in March through early summer. They are self-branching with durable foliage for shipping.
Light Pink Parfait is a stunning bicolor addition to the Pac Maestro series from Ecke Geraniums-Oglevee Products. Selected for high density greenhouse production, Maestro is a medium vigor, early-flowering series that produces large flowers. It has solid landscape performance with good heat tolerance.
Light Salmon has been added to Selecta’s Moonlight zonal series. It has a clear defined color, dark foliage and larger flowers.
Candy Red, Scarlet Red, Dark Salmon and Pink evol. have been added to Selecta’s Royal ivy series. Candy Red has large red and white bicolored flowers, dark green zoned foliage and low-medium vigor. Scarlet Red has large true red flowers, dark green zoned foliage, medium vigor, a well-branched, tight-mounding habit and early flowering.
Durora double gerbera mix from Sakata is early, compact and easy to grow for 3½- to 4-inch pot production. Durora’s slow to age flowers increase the plants’ shelf life for retailers and provide consumers with a long lasting gerbera for the garden. Marketed within eight to 12 weeks from potting, plants have an upright habit that allows for an economical bench space ratio.
Sophisticata in Hort Couture’s Crazy Daisy series is a unique bicolor mix.
Florist de Kwakel is introducing additional Landscape Gerbera varieties in several colors. Available from Northern Innovators, these varieties have been named after national parks: Arcadia, Bighorn, Kings Canyon, Klondike and Redwood. The compact plants are well suited for use on patios and in borders.
Florist de Kwakel has also introduced its Garvinea winter hardy perennial gerbera, which are available in 15 different colors from Northern Innovators. Outdoors the plants’ small flowers provide a tremendous amount of color until winter. The strong plants with compact foliage can take cold temperatures.
Gomphrena globosa ‘Las Vegas’ series from Benary comes in three vibrant colors: Pink, Purple and White. Plants reach 16-20 inches tall and are ideal for 4½ -inch pot production. The series is heat- and drought-tolerant with a quick crop time (nine to 11 weeks).
Bright pink flowers cover Gomphrena leontopiodes Balboa from EuroAmerican Propagators from spring to frost. It provides an immense display of color combined with fuzzy, linear foliage. This full sun plant is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11.
American Takii has expanded its gomphrena color choices with the introduction of the Audray series. Joining Bicolor Rose (now Audray Bicolor Rose) are Pink and Purple Red. The Audray series can withstand hot and humid conditions.
Jackson & Perkins introduces Silver Leaf Yellow which flowers from early spring until well into the fall. Its bright yellow flowers are surrounded by mounding grey foliage. Impervious to heat, plants are self-cleaning and self-branching.
Heliopsis helianthoides Green and White from GroLink has variegated green and white foliage. Plants are heat- and drought-tolerant. They produce small flowers just over the foliage during long days.
Additions to Syngenta’s Jambalaya series include White Improved, Creole Mix and Formula Mix. The early-flowering series is bred for high-density production, with a well-branched habit that resists stretching on the bench.
Syngenta’s trailing Spellbound series adds Pink Splash and White ’10. Plants offer flexible lateral branching that quickly fills containers and baskets.
Hem Genetics has improved the color of Violet and Apricot and the star pattern of Violet Star and Red Star in its Balance series. Plants are early to flower with a non-stretching and branching habit.
Sweet Caroline Sweet Talk series from Green Fuse Botanicals includes Light Green and Purple. A subseries of the Sweet Caroline series, plants have a thin palmate leaf form. Their mounded growth habit and fine texture give the plants great landscape appeal.
The Bright Ideas series was bred by Floranova and is being offered exclusively by Oro Farms. The three varieties, Rusty Red, Lime and Black, were bred to be naturally compact without the use of growth regulators. This series can be used in pot tight accent plant programs as well as in combinations.
Illusion is a new series from Proven Winners with two introductions. Emerald Lace has deeply dissected, emerald green leaves. Midnight Lace has deeply dissected, dark purple leaves with magenta venation. Both varieties have a strong mounding habit and reach 8-10 inches tall and 24-36 inches wide.
Ecke Geraniums-Oglevee Products is offering ‘Maxi Yellow’ along with the addition of Berry Pink and Yellow to its Midi series. The self-branching plants require no pinching or growth regulators. Plants have an early flower response and produce clean, clear flower colors.
The new Bandito series from Syngenta contains Red, Rose and Orange Sunrise. The naturally compact plants require no growth regulators. The dense mounding plants, which are ideal for the southern U.S. market, produce exceptionally large flowers.
White and Lemon Zest are new to Syngenta’s Bandana easy-to-grow series with a mounding habit. The exceptionally large flower size makes this series an excellent season extender with outstanding color and heat tolerance.
Hot Pink joins Hort Couture’s South Beach Compact series, which expands to six varieties. Plants are compact and ideal for 4-inch pots.
There are two additions to Thompson & Morgan’s Laurentia hybrida Avant-garde series: Violet, which is a Fleuroselect Novelty Award winner, and Dark Pink. Both cultivars have dark colors that are resistant to fading even in strong light. They have a long flowering season and reach a final height of 12 inches.
Lavandula dentata Serenity from Ecke is part of its Painted Dunes Collection. Quick to flower, it produces large scented flowers. Plants have a controlled, upright habit and interesting leaf texture.
Lavendula stoechas LaVela Pink is a new species in the Selecta line-up. This Spanish lavender forms a dense 1-foot tall by 2-foot wide shrub. It has gray-green, up to 1-inch long lanceolate leaves and short, unbranched flower spikes of small pink flowers crowned by several up to 1-inch bracts. It blooms most of the year, peaking in April to August. It is relatively drought tolerant, only requiring occasional irrigation.
Lavandula stoechas Ruffles series from PlantHaven is comprised of four, low maintenance, uniform varieties (Blueberry, Boysenberry, Mulberry and Sugarberry). Each variety has a unique duo-toned color scheme with the bract colors being distinctively different from the flowers. Foliage is gray-green and heavily dentate. Plants are strong, sturdy and drought and humidity tolerant.
Lobelia erinus Lucia Dark Blue is the first in a new series from Proven Winners. Plants, which produce brilliant royal blue flowers, reach 6-8 inches tall and 8-12 inches wide. It is a strong compact grower that tolerates the heat. It is great in hanging baskets by itself or as a filler plant in combinations.
Superstar is the newest addition to Westhoff’s Star series. It is very floriferous with eye-catching blue flowers with a big white eye. Plants have very good branching and can be used in various size containers
Ocean Flash is part of Ecke’s low-maintenance Painted Dunes Collection. Its best response is under cool spring conditions and it can be grown cool for energy efficiency and lower greenhouse energy costs. Plants flower from spring to summer and hold their tight shape throughout the season.
Syngenta adds White ’10 to its early flowering Techno series. Plants have great branching making a carpet of flowers throughout the summer. It was bred for improved heat tolerance.
Basket Dark Purple joins Selecta’s Magadi series. It features thick branching and outstanding summer performance. A total of nine varieties split into three groups: Basket varieties are more vigorous and trailing, Compact have an upright to mounding habit and flower very early, and the Magadi varieties have a mounded habit with incredible flower-power.
Lobularia hybrid ‘Inlbusopr’ Snow Princess from Proven Winners is a strong compact grower that tolerates the heat. The trailing plants, which reach 4-6 inches tall and 12-24 inches wide, produce masses of fragrant white flowers.
Taishan, available in Gold, Yellow, Orange and a Mixture, from PanAmerican Seed delivers season-long landscape performance with high-impact color. Their dwarf habit offers better branching to provide full, lush plants that perform longer. Short peduncles and thick stems mean less breakage in shipping.Plants reach 10-12 inches tall and 8-10 inches wide in full sun.
Gold and Primrose have been added to Discovery Mix Improved from Benary. Discovery offers a compact habit with tight flower heads, increasing their resistance to Botrytis.
The Supernesia series from Danziger gains two additions. Bright Red produces large bright red flowers on tall upright stems that flower early. Plant height is easily controlled by pinching. Yellow has huge golden-yellow flowers. It has an upright habit and is early flowering and floriferous. Both varieties are tolerant of high temperatures and flower continuously throughout the season.
Oro Farms is exclusively offering the Nessie series, which is available in six bright colors: Hot Rose, Lavender-White, Pink-Yellow, Red, White and Yellow. Plants, which have a tighter mounding, cascading habit, can be grown cool with little or no growth regulators. The disease-resistant plants have large flowers and good heat-tolerance.
Apricot and Orange expand Selecta’s Serengeti series to 11 colors, seven mounding varieties for mixed baskets, and four upright varieties that display large scented flowers all summer long.
Golden Ray has been added to Hort Couture’s Sun Drenched series. Plants are compact, early flowering with an upright habit.
Two new colors, Bicolor White Bordeaux and Light Yellow with Red Shade, have been added to Cohen’s Spicy series along with three improvements (Real Red, Orange Pink with Eye and Snow White). Available exclusively through Ball Horticultural, plants, which have good heat tolerance, have a semi-hanging habit with good basal branching
SunPatiens from Sakata, the only impatiens for the full sun, adds two new colors to its Compact series (Magenta and Deep Rose). Spreading White has also been added to the series.
Rose, Appleblossom and Orange expand Selecta’s ColorPower series to 18 colors. This uniform, early flowering, medium-vigorous series produces large flowers and has excellent summer performance.
Nicotiana mutabilis × sanderii Whisper is a new F1 series from Floranova that contains three colors and mix. The architectural plants have good disease tolerance and are very floriferous.
Augusta Blue Skies from Proven Winners is a hybrid that is earlier to flower and less sensitive to leaf yellowing than other nierembergias. This heat- and drought-tolerant plant is a prolific bloomer with strong blue flowers and lush evergreen foliage. It has a mounding habit, reaching 8-12 inches tall and 14-18 inches wide. It takes full to partial sun.
Origanum ‘Silver Star’ from Fleurizon smells great and its shiny silver, pubescent foliage is superb. The plants flower in the fall (early September) and are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 5.
Voltage Yellow from Ball FloraPlant is the first osteospermum in bloom and the last to go out of flower. It features very flexible stems that sleeve, ship and show well, making it ideal for large baskets and containers. This full sun, low-energy variety has excellent branching so fewer growth regulators are needed to produce full and compact plants.
Cascadia Daisy is a new trailing series, available in White and Pink, from Sakata. They have a true mounding hanging habit and good overall flower coverage. Plants, which demonstrate good heat tolerance, are an excellent choice for window boxes, hanging baskets and for mixed patio containers.
Syngenta’s Tradewinds series adds Pearl ’10, Terra Cotta ’10, Yellow and Trailing White ’10. The series was bred to induce flowering at higher temperatures without vernalization. Plants are easy to grow with excellent branching and a compact growth habit. Trailing White ’10 is perfect for early baskets and mixed containers.
GGG International expands its Impassion series with 10 new colors. Plants are early to flower and produce large flowers with no color bleaching. No pinching or cold period are needed. Plants have a compact habit and produce many shoots. They have extended flowering during the summer.
Deep Bronze is the newest variety in Fides’ Margarita series. It is floriferous, early to flower and well branched, like the other varieties in the series. Its intense color works well for early fall and is a good combination with the series existing bronze varieties.
Copper Amethyst, Yellow, Shadow Red, Milky Way, Yellow and White, Red Copper and Plum evol. join Selecta’s Zion series. Varieties have a medium to high vigor, large colorful flowers and good summer performance.
The Selecta FlowerPower Compact series expands to nine varieties with the addition of Purple Blush, Ivory and White evol. Although they have a compact habit, plants easily fill pots due to their slightly wider habit. They are great for Southern areas, late plantings, and hanging baskets.
Mammoth is a new F1 series from Goldsmith Seeds. The uniform, extra-large-flowered plants are strong branching and quickly fill the pot. They are stretch resistant under warm conditions and provide robust garden performance. The large flat flowers offer maximum visual impact. The series includes 11 separate colors and two mixtures.
The new Inspire series from Benary combines all of the benefits of the company’s well-known FamaX series with the newest genetics. The series features a total of 24 clear and blotch colors, short flowering windows between colors and extreme cold tolerance. Plants have short flower stems and a compact growth habit making them suitable for both northern and southern climates.
The new Sense S1 pansy series from Floranova has 13 colors and a mix. The series is very uniform in flowering time and habit. Bred for high density production, plants stay compact for extended shelf life.
Deep Blue/Blotch is the newest addition to Kieft’s Promise series. It is early for both spring and fall. The compact plants produce large 3½-inch flowers. Syngenta adds to its Colossus series with Lavender Medley, Lemon Shades, Pure Rose, Rose Medley, Tricolor and White w/ Purple Wing. Plants produce upward facing 3½- to 4-inch blooms on a tight habit. Plants don’t stretch during warm conditions.
Syngtenta’s Delta series adds Premium Primrose w/ Blotch, Premium Marina and Premium Violet and White. The Deltas offer extra-early flowering for spring production and outstanding heat tolerance for summer production. This series over-winters well and rebounds from severe weather quickly.
Strawberry Cream and Rising Sun are new to Syngenta’s Designer Collection. The solid landscape performance makes Designer Collection perfect for both spring and fall sales.
Takii introduces Yellow with Blotch and Frosty Blue to its F1 Nature series. Plants are compact, very vigorous and extra floriferous providing long lasting color. The series has extremely strong landscape performance, rebounding quickly from rain and freezes.
Hem Genetics Cello series has two new colors (Azure Blue and Beaconsfield) and three improved varieties (Pure Light Orange Improved, Pure Deep Orange Improved and Light Blue Improved).
PEPPER (Ornamental)
Capsicum annuum Garda series from Kieft contains Chandelier, covered with upright candle-like white to red fruits, and Fireworks with long, slender purple to red fruits. These ornamental and edible peppers display color for three to four months. The heat resistant plants reach 15-24 inches tall and wide.
Sakata’s SuperCal adds two new colors with Vanilla Blush and Blue for a total of six colors. SuperCal combines the traits of petunia and calibrachoa including large flowers and unique colors. These day length neutral plants should be grown cool like petunias for best results and cost savings. They have sturdy flower petals for outstanding garden performance.
Cappuccino is the latest addition to Dummen’s Potunia series. Plants have compact growth with day length neutral flowering. Plants in the series are ideal for combinations and come in a wide color range.
Dummen has added two varieties to its Surprise series. Mandarin Twist is an eye-catching orange with medium vigor and early flower power. It is the first true vegetative orange petunia on the market. Hot Rod Red produces large intense red flowers and has a good branching habit with medium vigor.
Danziger expands its Littletunia series with two varieties. Ultra Purple produces dark purple flowers with scribbling net veins. Bicolor Illusion has a star-shaped purple and white bicolor flower. Both varieties are vigorous growers with very good branching.
PanAmerican Seed’s Debonair Collection includes Dusty Rose and Lime Green. Dusty Rose has an antique yellow throat with a dusty rose margin. Color becomes lighter in high light and warmer conditions. Lime Green, which is yellow with an underlying lime tone, is a very solid color with no veining or fading like traditional yellow petunias. Multiflora blooms are displayed on the well-branched, mounded plants.
Easy Wave Burgundy Star from PanAmerican Seed is the first spreading star petunia from seed. Its rich burgundy and white pattern is consistent with standard star petunias – some flowers maybe more solid or more white. Plants reach 6-12 inches tall and 2½-3½ feet wide.
Pretty Much Picasso from Proven Winners is a hybrid petunia breakthrough with unique bicolor flowers that feature a purple center accented with a green picotee. Plants reach 8-12 inches tall and 24-36 inches wide. It is a vigorous grower with a strong trailing habit.
Supertunia Lavender Skies from Proven Winners produces pinkish-lavender flowers on mounding, trailing plants that reach 6-10 inches tall and 18-24 inches wide. It performs strongly from spring through summer.
Sun Spun series from Ball FloraPlant is available in Burgundy, Red, Silver and Yellow. It is a quick-finish, tight-space, less-water, lower-temperature petunia. This early-flowering series can be grown cool and has a tight and compact, ball-shaped habit so plants stay controlled on the bench. Height is 6-10 inches, spread is 8-10 inches.
The 10 varieties in Hort Couture’s new Panache series are day neutral and early flowering producing flowers that are very rain resistant. They are well suited for 4-inch and basket production.
Syngenta’s new Picnic mini petunia series contains Amethyst, Red, Rose and White. Plants produce a continuous supply of 1-inch blooms throughout the season. They have a strong semi-trailing habit. These early blooming plants finish quickly.
White has been added to Syngenta’s trailing Sanguna series. Bred for exceptional branching and superb bloom coverage, this early blooming series produces flowers all over the plants, not just the outside.
Syngenta’s trailing Whispers series gains Amethyst, which produces flowers that start dark and gradually mature to light lavender This very uniform series is extremely early to flower and versatile in the landscape, baskets or combination planters.
Bravo Plum is an addition to Syngenta’s grandiflora early-blooming series. Plants are less sensitive to low light, and great for early spring and winter production.
Hurrah Purple Star from Syngenta is an extremely early multiflora, especially in low-light conditions. It offers excellent branching that translates into longer lasting garden performance. The series’ short five-day bloom window allows shipment of all colors together.
Ecke is offering Grape, Bicolor Cabernet, Rim Violet, White Magic and Imperial Blue in the Cascadias series. Bred by Danziger, all varieties demonstrate tolerance to higher pH and alkaline conditions making them more resistant to leaf yellowing.
Sweet Pink, White, Purple, Red Star in the Littletunia series from Ecke have an abundance of miniature 1½ inch-diameter funnel-shaped flowers. Bred by Danziger, the plants have a semi-trailing habit with superior center branching. Plants are self-cleaning with a long flowering time from spring until late autumn.
Misty Rose Dream, Grape Dream, Crystal Violet Dream, Red Dream are four trendy colors added to the Petitunia series by Ecke. Bred by Danziger, plants are very well-suited for landscape use due to their self-cleaning flowers and smaller plant size.
Lavender is a new color in Hem Genetics Samba trailing grandiflora series. Extra early to flower with large flowers on cascading stems.
Burgundy, Rose Veined and Peach expand Hem Genetics’ naturally dwarf multiflora Mambo series to 14 colors and a mixture. Plants are early flowering, compact and non-stretching with great weather tolerance.
Famous Violet Picotee from Selecta has a stable white border around its violet flowers and performs outstandingly throughout summer. Plants in the series have medium-high vigor, a semi-trailing habit and early flowering.
Burgundy is the latest addition to Selecta’s SweetSunshine series, which expands to six colors. It has stunning burgundy double flowers, flowers early and a mounding habit.
Selecta has improved Fame Fire evol. to be slightly more vigorous, filling pots and baskets easier and fitting better with the series. The Fame series has 11 colors, which have a mounding habit, an easy-to-control vigor and very early flowering.
Pink Morn has been added to Selecta’s Charming series expanding it to six colors. Plants are easy to grow with small flowers, mounding habit and very early flowering.
The drought-tolerant Soleil Purple from Tesselaar is available from Selecta. Once plants reach about 50 percent of the desired sales size, watering needs to be reduced (drought stress) for best flower show. In the landscape Soleil Purple quickly fills in without root development at the nodes allowing for quick plant removal when changing out beds.
Cohen’s Happy Boutique series includes Light Pink, Red Shade and Yellow with Brown Eye. These early flowering, trailing varieties produce large single flowers in retro colors.
Blue Star joins four other colors in the Happy Mini series from Cohen. The easy and fast rooting trailing plants produce medium size bicolor blue picotee flowers with a white edge.
Dummen’s new Phloxy Lady series has four cultivars (Cherry Red, Pink, Burgundy and White). Plants display very early flowering with extended flower power into the summer. They have a round compact habit with strong roots and good branching. Their cold tolerance makes them excellent for outdoor production.
Fleurizon is offering the Phlox paniculata Junior series in six colors. Plants have been bred to be naturally short, reaching 12-18 inches tall. Plants are easy to grow and well-suited for 1-gallon container programs. The plants flower every year and are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 4.
Proven Winners has two additions to its Intensia series. Orchid Blast produces orchid pink flowers with a hot pink eye. Plants reach 10-12 inches tall and 12-18 inches wide. White Improved has been improved for better habit and performance. Both varieties are heat and humidity tolerant, have strong mildew resistance and bloom until first frost.
Phygelius hybrid Red Alert from EuroAmerican Propagators produces long stems covered in dainty red flowers with yellow throats. This full sun plant blooms from spring to frost. It is hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11.
Polygonum capitatum from GroLink can be used as a low maintenance and drought-tolerant groundcover. It has variegated foliage and produces ball-shaped flowers all season making it ideal for basket production.
PortoGrande is an all new series from Selecta that is available in six colors with large flowers. They are great for hot and arid conditions. All varieties are self-branching, easy to grow, medium vigor and require no growth regulators.
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Denver Daisy’ from Benary is perfect for 1 gallon production or for large landscape plantings. The 18- to 20-inch tall plants produce large masses of golden flowers adorned with rusty red rings from late spring until first frost.
Salvia hybrida ‘Wendy’s Wish’ from PlantHaven produces large clusters of brightly colored fuchsia flowers surrounded by mauve colored calyxes. Flower stems are dark maroon. A tender perennial, it’s hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 9-11. ‘Wendy’s Wish’ matures to about 30-40 inches tall by 30 inches wide. It takes full sun to partial shade.
The Puebla series of Salvia greggii from Ecke is part of the Painted Dunes Collection. Colors include Cherry, Light Orange, Rose and White. Plants flower from spring to fall with best results in the warm days of summer. In full sun, their fragrance attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
Lavender is the newest addition to Green Fuse Botanicals’ Salvia farinacea Cathedral series. The early flowering plants produce flowers with a silver/lavender tone. It has a compact growth habit like the other varieties in the series.
Syngenta adds Dark Blue to its Bombay series. Plants are well branched with a consistent semi-trailing growth habit. They thrive in bright, sunny locations. The series is a great season extender.
Hort Couture’s Paper Doll series contains Petite Blue, which has a dwarf erect habit, and Basket Blue, which is good for monoculture and mixed baskets.
The new Euphoria series from Cohen contains Compact White and Compact Blue. Plants have a controlled compact growth habit with short internodes and very good branching. No growth regulators are needed for basket production.
The Aromas F1 intermediate snapdragon series from Goldsmith Seeds is bred for early spring sales. The seven colors and mixture have a uniform plant habit and timing. Plants are very receptive to growth regulators. Well-branched plants produce numerous strong stems that resist lodging.
The F1 Twinny series was bred by Hem Genetics and is available exclusively from Michell’s. It is the first fully double dwarf series with garden performance. Plants reach 8 inches tall. Colors include: Bronze Shades, Peach, Violet, White and Yellow Shades. Peach is a 2010 All-America Selections bedding plant award winner.
Orange and Formula Mix are additions to Syngenta’s Arrow series. This very early-flowering, garden-type snapdragon features a strong central leader with dense lateral branches that stand up to wind and rain.
‘Eternal’ from Skagit Gardens produces clusters of large pink flowers with a touch of orange in the center that are prominent against green and white variegated leaves. Plants have a distinctively bushy habit reaching 12-18 inches tall and 10 inches wide. This cool-season annual thrives in full sun, is frost tolerant (hardiness is still being evaluated) and can cope with warm temperatures (93°F). It blooms all summer.
Green Fuse Botanicals has introduced the new trailing vegetative Acrobat series. Colors include Orchid, Red and Yellow. Plants produce large flowers. Their profuse flowering make them ideal for use in various containers for cool temperatures and through the summer.
Cohen has introduced the trailing Fruit Salad Coconut Improved with clear white, medium size flowers.
Vegetalis is offering several compact tomato varieties.
The Sweet ‘n’ Neat series comes in three colors: Scarlet, Yellow and Cherry Red. Bred to retail in 4-inch pots with cherry-sized ripening fruit, the Sweet ‘n’ Neat tomatoes have maximum point of sale appeal.
Little Sun Yellow is a great companion to Vegetalis’ tomato variety Totem. Little Sun is a compact upright variety with medium sized sweet fruit.
Tumbling Junior Yellow has been developed for the professional market. A highly branched trailing variety, it remains compact and tidy, producing an abundance of yellow cherry sized fruit.
Jackson & Perkins adds Pale Lilac and White to the easy to grow Summer Wave series. Plants are self-cleaning, impervious to heat and disease, and well-branched.
Michell’s Sun Devil verbena series is a new entry for this brand. Like other Sun Devil genetics, it is a warm weather tolerant product. Bred by Benary, this series has an upright habit. Plants produce medium to medium-large size flowers and reach 6 inches tall. Cultivars include: Bright Scarlet, Deep Blue w/Eye, Purple w/ Eye, Rose Pink w/Eye, White and Mix.
Blue Denim and Bright Eye (pink with dark eye) are new colors to Syngenta’s early-to-flower Lanai series that offers an impressive color coverage and great heat tolerance and mildew resistance.
Cherry Red, Magenta and Violet are the newest additions to the Jackson & Perkins’ Temari series. The trailing plants are cold and heat tolerant, mildew resistant and bloom profusely.
Midnight Blue is a new color in GGG International’s Star Dreams series. Its glowing color makes it very attractive in hanging baskets or mixed plantings.
The addition of Light Pink and Orange Blend has expanded Cohen’s Corsage series to 11 colors with fully double flowers. Plants have a semi-hanging habit.
White evol. is a new addition to Selecta’s low to medium vigorous Lascar series. It has huge brilliant white, scented flowers. Plants are well-branched and mounding and early to flower.
Proven Winners has made two additions to its Superbena series. Pink Parfait has unique bicolor blooms of white to soft pink shades with a darker pink eye. Its huge flower clusters are slightly more upright and mounding than other Superbena varieties. Coral Red Improved has been improved for habit and color intensity. Both plants reach 6-12 inches tall and 12-14 inches wide. They are resistant to powdery mildew and heat and drought tolerant.
Cora Cascade F1 trailing vinca series from Goldsmith Seeds is available in five colors and a mixture. The series has patented resistance to aerial Phytophthora. The vigorous trailing plants thrive in heat and humidity. Plants are covered with large blooms so there are no bald spots.
Boa is a new F1 trailing vinca series from Floranova available in six colors (Red, Rose, Peach, White, with limited availability of Peppermint and Burgundy) and a mix. Plants exhibit a vigorous trailing habit and large flowers.
Apricot is a new vibrant addition to the Floranova Cobra F1 series. It produces large flowers with overlapping petals to maximize the impact.
Light Blue is the newest additon to the Syngenta SunStorm series that is early flowering with excellent branching. The series uniform flowering makes programming easy, with no growth regulators necessary because of their compact habit.
Corina is a new early flowering F1 series from Hem Genetics. It starts with five colors (Pure Yellow, Pure Orange, Yellow with Blotch, Orange with Purple Wing and Tricolor).
The Violina series from Jackson & Perkins adds Cobalt Blue and Pink. Plants have a vigorous trailing habit and produce blooms all around the plants. Flowering occurs throughout the growing season. Pink is a mosaic of pink shades and white. Cobalt Blue is a strong blue color.
Mimosa Yellow is the newest addition to Ecke’s Velocity series, which is part of the Painted Dunes Collection. It has a mounded habit and flowers from spring to fall.
Zahara Starlight Rose from PanAmerican Seed with its white flowers with rose stripes is the first bicolor zinnia in this series. It is a 2010 All-America Selections winner and 2010 Fleuroselect Novelty. The best color occurrs under high light, good fertilization and cool nights. Plants are disease-tolerant and heat-loving and produce flowers that are 20 percent larger than other commercial varieties.
Sakata has added Yellow to its All-America Selections and Fleuroselect Gold Medal winning Profusion series. This new variety is consistent with the rest of the series, offering a compact, uniform plant with strong disease resistance. Yellow offers bold color, a self-cleaning habit and high heat tolerance.
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