Do You Believe in Magic Combo

Four Star Greenhouse’s Do You Believe in Magic combination basket consists of two new Proven Winner varieties: Snow Princess lobularia and Flirtation Orange diascia.


Four Star Greenhouse’s Do You Believe in Magic combination basket consists of two new Proven Winners varieties: Snow Princess lobularia and Flirtation Orange diascia. The 12-inch fiber hanging basket contains four plants of Flirtation Orange and one of Snow Princess started from 84-cell liners.

Snow Princess lobularia produces masses of fragrant, dainty white flowers. It is a vigorous, yet compact grower whose trailing habit makes it ideal for hanging baskets and as a filler in combinations. Plants reach 4-6 inches tall and up to 24 inches wide. Compared to seed-produced varieties, the vegetatively-produced Snow Princess is much more vigorous and heat tolerant and continues to bloom through the summer.

The continuously blooming Flirtation Orange diascia produces clean, bright orange flowers. Its sturdy, semi-trailing habit creates exceptional hanging baskets and containers. It reaches 8-10 inches tall and 10-12 inches wide.

Transplant 84-cell liners into hanging baskets containing a growing medium with a pH of 5.8-6.2 and an electrical conductivity of 0.6-0.9 (2:1 extract method). Maintain a slightly acidic pH to avoid iron deficiency. Fertilize with 150-200 parts per million nitrogen from a well-balanced fertilizer.

Maintain a moderate to moist growing medium and avoid saturating the medium for long periods of time. Water early in the day so foliage can dry by nightfall to reduce incidence of disease. Allowing the medium to dry out can cause Snow Princess foliage to yellow.

The growing on temperature should be 62°F-66°F. Cold temperatures can cause Snow Princess foliage to turn purple.

Snow Princess should be pinched prior to hanging the baskets for finishing to help control its vigorous growth. Flirtation Orange can be pinched once, two weeks after liners are planted.

Apply a broad spectrum fungicide before hanging baskets are hung for finishing. Maintaining high light levels, low humidity and good air movement are key to avoiding problems with Botrytis and other stem rot diseases. Watch for aphids and whitefly on Flirtation Orange.

For more: Four Star Greenhouse Inc., (734) 654-6420; If you’re looking for more easy-to-follow recipes, check out the Four Star Combinations at and Proven Winners Container recipes at

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