The Lucky Lantern series from PlantHaven has three colors: Yellow has large, bell-shaped blooms in a soft lemon tone, White features pure white blooms and Tangerine has warm coral-peach tones. Plants flower summer through fall. Plants have a compact, tight round habit.
Green Fuse Botanicals has added Red to its Acapulco series. Plants, which produce bright red flowers, are perennial to USDA Hardiness Zone 5.
Green Fuse’s new Acapulco Deluxe series is more compact than the Acapulco series. Plants are naturally branching and require no pinching or growth regulators. Carmine Red has deep red flowers and Deluxe Chiffon has multi-colored flowers that include pinks and salmon shades. Deluxe Rose has the best plant habit. All have fragrant foliage.
The Party series from Thompson & Morgan has a long flowering period and brightly colored flower spikes of pink/orange bicolor, orange and raspberry with aromatic foliage. Varieties include Lavender Martini, Peach Margarita and Raspberry Daiquiri. Plants grow to 10 inches tall.
Lemon Lime from Green Fuse Botanicals has variegated leaves that set them off from its blue flowers.
Diamond Blue from Hem Genetics is early to flower and suited for production in packs and 4- to 6-inch pots. The strong branching plants are well suited for landscaping and containers.
‘Little Ruby’ from GroLink is compact growing 8-10 inches tall and 15-18 inches wide, with dark burgundy foliage and a upright, spreading habit. It is excellent in combination pots or in the landscape.
AngelMist series from Ball FloraPlant includes Spreading Blue, a low-growing, free-flowering variety that tolerates a wide range of environmental conditions. Best for landscape, color bowls and hanging baskets.
Actors is a new series from Green Fuse Botanicals that has a spreading habit ideal for hanging baskets and mixed containers. Blue has deep blue flowers; White has large, white flowers; Pink’s spreading habit easily fills in mixed containers and baskets.
Carita Cascade Raspberry from Syngetna Flowers/Goldfisch, has large flowers on strong stems. The early blooming plants have a dense, well-behaved upright habit. It has outstanding heat tolerance that delivers uninterrupted color all summer long.
Sassy Compact Double White and Compact Yellow from Syngenta Flowers/Goldfisch have a branching and mounding habit. The low maintenance plants are well suited for upright containers and combination planters.
Dress Up series from Hort Couture has eight new varieties bred by Heuger including the first day neutral marguerite. Chocolate Princess has pink buds that open to reveal white marguerite flowers with striking chocolate brown eyes, dark blue-green foliage and heavy bud count. Lavender Princess is a daisy with perfect form and habit and unique bright pink flowers. Perfect Princess has a compact habit, blue-green foliage and many flowers. Pink Shimmer boasts translucent two-tone pink flowers that have the consistency of strawflowers and are abundant all summer. Rainbow Shimmer has three flower colors present on the plant all summer. Ruby Princess produces carmine red flowers that stay above the foliage. Tiger Princess features large white flowers accentuated by large brown eyes. Yellow Princess has soft yellow flowers and rich blue-green leaves.
Flutterby Yellow from Ecke Ranch has an upright/mounding habit and produces bright yellow flowers. It is part of Ecke’s Some Like it Hot Program.
Yellow has been added to Ecke’s Comet series. Uniform habit and flowering make it possible to grow together or in combination with predictable results.
White and Medium White are available from Cohen in its Glory series, bred by Breier. Both have single flowers, good branching and a compact habit.
Blue Shades from Syngenta Flowers is the first F1 hybrid aubrieta from seed. It is one of the earliest blooming. It’s a very winter hardy variety, able to be grown outdoors or in cold frames. The variety’s long blooming period gives it a better shelf life and garden performance.
Blue, Dynamic White and Silver are giant-flowered Gulliver series varieties from Danziger. Plants have a compact growth habit eliminating the need for growth regulator applications. Blue has deep bold flowers with outstanding size. Dynamic White’s strongly branching plants produce abundant pure-white flowers.
Savoir Faire from Hort Couture and bred by Danziger has large white flowers and dark green foliage.
Cohen adds Rose Improved and Cappuccino to its James Britannia Party series. Rose Improved has a large rose flower and trailing habits. Cappuccino features a large brown flower and trailing habits. Bred by Breier.
Cohen’s Secrets series has two new varieties. Large Pink has a baby-pink color and trailing habits; Medium Dark Violet Improved has a medium-dark violet flower.
The F1 Havana series from American Takii features well-branched, compact plants with bronze leaves, large flowers and a short culture time. New colors include Pink (Improved), Rose and White.
The F1 Monza series from Takii includes Blush, Orange Scarlet, Rose (Improved), Coral (Improved), Pink (Improved) and White (Improved). The well-branched, compact, green leaf plants produce large flowers and have a short culture time.
Green Fuse Botanicals’ new B. boliviensis Beaucoup series comes in three colors: Red, Rose and White. Plants are free flowering with flexible stems making shipping easy. White has bicolor flowers of pink and white in cool conditions that change to full white in summer conditions. Plants produce abundant color all summer long.
Go-Go Bright Red from Syngenta Flowers has a low need for growth regulators. It is earlier to flower and more uniform than other varieties. Plants yield at least three big, bold flowers in the first flush of color.
EZ Gro Chocolates Pink Bicolor from Grimes Horticulture is long flowering with deep bronze foliage. Plant height and width are 8-9 inches. This full sun/partial shade plant takes warm temperatures.
Benary has introduced several new begonia varieties.
‘Cocktail Tequila’ is a brilliant pink that has the unbeatable garden performance and highly reliable plant quality of the rest of this fibrous begonia series.
‘Illumination Golden Picotee’ begonia
B. tuberhybrida ‘Illumination Golden Picotee’ produces fully double, bicolor flowers at each leaf internode. It has a full mounded habit before it trails, making it easier to sleeve.
B. tuberose New Star series consists of small leafed, multiflora plants available in Red, White, Yellow and Rose. The fully rounded plants in this new series produce an abundance of medium-sized double flowers.
The superb foliage of B. x hybrida Gryphon from PanAmerican Seed makes a dramatic statement in mixed or solo containers. It has a tropical appearance. It is easier and quicker to produce than vegetative foliage types.
Selecta’s B. boliviensis Bonfire series expands with Choc Red and Choc Pink, which feature a more upright habit and dark chocolate foliage. The series finishes fast, has excellent branching, and holds up to rain and summer temperatures. The flowers make masses of color in containers and landscapes with little or no care.
Cohen adds Victoria Falls and Rainbow Falls to its Waterfall series bred by Beekenkamp. Victoria Falls has large, orange double flowers and a trailing habit. Rainbow Falls has a yellow flower with trailing habit.
Plants in Ecke’s Pirate series have a more controlled plant habit making plants especially good for mixed containers. Talisman has large, showy single yellow flowers that contrast nicely against the dark green, finely cut foliage of these mounding plants.
A great-looking companion plant for mixed containers, the Namid series from Selecta has excellent branching, short stems and bold flower colors. Golden Eye features an upright to mounding habit in a bicolor yellow and apricot hue.
Buddleia Buzz Magenta PurpleBuddleia
Pacific Plug & Liner is proud to introduce three additional colors — Blue Violet, Ivory and Magenta Purple — to its Buzz series bred by Thompson & Morgan. The compact plants are ideal for patio containers and smaller gardens. Plants reach a height of 36 inches in the garden, but remain at 24 inches in containers. Flower size remains large. Plants are drought tolerant once established.
Suntory introduces Million Bells Bouquet with the full series available next year. Prurient Pink is quite floriferous with a compact habit and exceptional density. Plants produce many bright pink flowers and have strong center branching. It is low maintenance and requires no pinching. Its self-cleaning habit makes it easy to grow.
Sunset joins Danziger’s successful Noa series. The strong, heat-tolerant plants with improved disease resistance produce huge orange flowers with a red halo.
Superbells Blackberry Punch from Proven Winners has two-tone flowers with a rich, velvet black throat on deep-grape petals. It has a high pH tolerance and the same disease resistance and performance as other Superbells. Plants, which grow 4-6 inches tall and 12-18 inches wide, have a slightly looser habit than other Superbells.
Callie Orange Sunrise from Syngenta Flowers/Goldfisch has a strong root system and tolerance to high soil pH. Like the other Callies, this variety is early flowering under shorter day lengths. Habit is dense and semi-trailing making it ideally suited for baskets, large containers and a great component for mixed combinations.
The Catwalk series from Hort Couture adds five new colors: Antique White, Cherries Flambe, Mandarin Eclipse, Perfect Purple and Sun Splash.
Kimono from Hort Couture produces many upright flowers with a large golden eye on strong, compact branches.
Westhoff’s Celebration Capri Mix includes Capri Gold, Capri Red and Capri White. Capri Gold has an intensive yellow flower and a nice mounding plant shape; Red has a vibrant red color and a nice mounding growth; White is clear white with a yellow eye and a nice mounding growth. The varieties can be used as a single color, too.
Can-Can Terracotta from Ball FloraPlant is a splashy, one-of-a-kind color with a pattern showing shades of yellow, orange and dark peach. It grows vigorously, yet is highly programmable with consistent pH tolerance. It features a mounded, trailing habit with tip-to-top flower coverage and season-long performance.
Sweet Bells from GGG-Gruenewald have huge and plentiful flowers and a nice round growing habit in containers and in hanging baskets or in combinations with different varieties.
MiniFamous Double from Selecta delivers early flowering, medium vigor, and a semi-trailing habit of true double blooms with stable fill. Selecta’s iGeneration have large blooms, early flowering, medium vigor and uniform, semi-trailing habit. New iGeneration varieties are the bold Gold Red Eye, Apricot Red Eye evol., Light Pink + Eye, and Peach evol. with a distinct orange-red eye in its center.
Selecta’s new TrixiLiner Tequila Sunrise features MiniFamous Apricot Red Eye evol., Double Lemon, and Vampire for a rich, and vibrant color basket.
SuperCal Cherry × Petchoa from Sakata has the same strong traits as other SuperCal varieties and adds an interesting cherry-red hue. The compact plants have a slightly flat and spreading habit. They produce large flowers, are pH tolerant, day length neutral and can be grown cool. The foliage is not sticky so flowers drop easily from the plant as they age and plants hold up well in all kinds of weather.
Cohen’s Caloha Classic series additions include Aubergine, a medium burgundy flower; Yellow, a medium clear yellow flower; and Rose Improved, a medium rose flower. Bred by Breier.
Rose has been added to Cohen’s Caloha Double series. It has a medium double rose flower with a trailing habit.
Calla (Zantedeschia)
Golden State Bulb Growers added five new varieties to its Callafornia Calla series. All are easy to grow, have sturdy stems and are deer resistant.
‘Crystal Clear’ is a productive bloomer with pure white flowers that do not blush at maturity. It is a versatile variety with plain green leaves that is well suited to small-medium pots, landscape and cut flower use.
‘Grape Velvet’ is a profuse bloomer with purple flowers lightly fringed in white that gracefully age to deep rose. It’s naturally compact with plain green leaves and well suited to small or medium pots as well as garden use.
‘Acapulco Gold’ has clear golden-yellow flowers with medium-large, well-formed cups on long stems. This robust variety has maculated leaves and is well-suited to cut flower, large pots and landscape use.
‘Night Cap’ has dark purple to black flowers that gracefully age to burgundy. It has plain green leaves and is well suited for small or medium pots, in the landscape and cut flower use.
‘Moon Shadow’ is a profuse bloomer that renders tricolor blooms in rose, white and purple. It has plain green leaves and is well suited to small or medium pots and landscape use.
Benary’s new Celosia plumosa Glorious series replaces the Gloria series. Plants have a fast crop time of 10-11 weeks in 4-inch pots. Four bright colors are available: Pink, Red, Orange and Yellow.
The bicolor flowers of Benary’s ‘Smart Look Romantica’ start a warm cream kissed with hot pink, but as they mature, the pink deepens to a fiery rose. It can be finished in a 4-inch pot in just eight to 11 weeks or in a 6-inch pot in nine to 12 weeks.
‘Blushing Cascade’ centradeniaCentradenia
‘Blushing Cascade’ from GroLink has shell-pink flowers that contrast with the bronze-green foliage. The foliage turns red under high light. Its trailing habit makes it ideal for baskets or as a replacement for ipomoea and vinca in combo pots. It flowers year round.
‘Brazilian Button’ from GroLink has olive-green foliage and long lasting fluffy, button like, 1-inch flowers. It is ideal in mass plantings in the landscape or rock gardens as well as in combination pots. The drought-tolerant plant grows 12-18 inches tall and 2-3 feet wide.
‘Black Beauty’ is an easy-to-grow plant from GroLink with long-lasting orange flowers and dark foliage. Keep the temperature above 60°F and use in combinations, in the landscape or as an indoor houseplant.
Mosaik is a new coleus series from Syngenta Flowers/GoldFisch. The low-maintenance plants have brightly colored foliage for both sun and shade applications. The extremely well-branched, upright habit and medium vigor make plants ideal for quart and gallon production and a great accent in mixed containers. Colors include: Amazon Green, Burgundy Velvet, Lava Red, Rose Blast and Thin Mint.
Additions to Ecke’s full sun-tolerant Stained Glassworks series are Eruption and Green Autry. Eruption erupts in bright colors of burgundy, green, gold and yellow. It is best used in the landscape. Green Autry has a compact and mounding-type habit with a bright green and yellow contrast design on each leaf. Both are part of the low-maintenance Painted Dunes Collection.
PlantHaven’s ‘Design-a-Line Burgundy’ has fragrant jasmine-scented sprays of tiny white star-shaped flowers and a fine, burgundy colored weeping foliage. It has a tight clumping habit and flowers mid to late summer.
Terra Nova Nurseries introduces three new varieties.
‘Pineapple Pie’ forms a low-growing mound with numerous red-eyed, golden-yellow flowers. ‘Pumpkin Pie’ forms a low-growing mound with numerous red-eyed, pumpkin-orange flowers. Both are free flowering and bloom from early summer to fall. They do great in containers, mixed beds or borders.
‘Fruit Punch’ is an addition to the Punch series. It produces two-toned flowers with a light pink edge and a red eye. It forms a low mound and is free flowering all summer. The flowers cover the foliage.
‘Mellow Yellow’ from GroLink has dark green foliage and is loaded with bright yellow flowers that bloom year round. Its spreading habit makes it ideal for baskets, combinations and in full-sun landscapes.
Flamed Mix cyclamenCyclamen
Morel Diffusion has introduced several new varieties.
Funflame Magenta produces bicolor flowers with a flame effect. The flowers have a white heart with a light magenta hue that becomes intense at the edge of the petal ending with a thin, white rim. The flowers contrast well with the silver leaf foliage. Plants are very compact and floriferous.
The dominant color of Blush Mix is white with a light hue. The mix also features pastel colors, 50 percent purple and 50 percent magenta. Temperature influences the intensity of the color. Under warm temperatures the color is very light, nearly white. Cold temperatures create more intense color. The ideal temperature is between 61°F and 68°F.
Flamed Mix is a bright mix composed of five flamed colors with a white rim: Salmon, Rose, Light Purple, Magenta and White. Plants are early flowering.
Lilac Shades with Eye has a light delicate color. With central flowering and good re-flowering capacity, plants have a compact and well-structured habit.
Syngenta Flowers has introduced several new cyclamen varieties.
Midori Purple Flame and Wine Flame. These fragrant miniature plants have a compact habit and refined foliage. Suitable for early season sales, plants can be grown in 2½- to 4½-inch pots finishing at 6-8 inches tall.
Canto Jewel Mix has a tightly mounded, round habit reaching 9-11 inches tall with excellent shelf life. The variety of colors makes it ideal for seasonal assortments and has also proven to be a nice landscape performer.
Laser Synchro series features nine of the most uniform, well-matched colors (Pink, Pink Flame, Purple, Purple Flame, Salmon, Scarlet, White, Wine and Wine Flame). Plants reach 10-12 inches tall and are loaded with long-lasting flowers. Their heat tolerance helps in early fall and late spring sales.
Concerto Pink and Wine Red Flame produce beautiful 12-14 inch tall plants with huge flowers, perfect for a florist-quality look. These varieties grow easily at cooler temperatures for late season finish.
The Rainier series produces uniform, showy plants and huge flowers that are suitable for 6½- to 8-inch pots. Plants thrive inside or outside at cooler temperatures for a late season finish. Colors include Light Purple, Pink and Purple Flame.
The Winter Ice series is unusual compared to other cyclamen because of the wide silvery bands edging each leaf. Rose and Scarlet are suitable for container growth under winter conditions. Plants produce thick stems and large flowers, growing to 12-14 inches tall.
The Lucky series from GroLink has five unique bicolor or striped flowering varieties that are uniform in height, habit and timing. Plants grow best in 5½- to 6½-inch pots.
The Mystic Haze series from PlantHaven has glossy mahogany-black foliage with a compact rounded habit. Dark Side of the Sun has apricot to orange flowers with a soft yellow halo and dark central disc. Enchantment features fire engine red flowers with dark discs. Flowering occurs early summer through fall.
Deroretta Violet from Oro Farms was bred to be grown in quart pots or similar sizes. It was selected for its uniform habit and flowering.
GGG-Gruenewald’s Starlias series has a high quality standard in a wide range of colors. Plants have just the right habit for pot production.
Rose Bicolor is one of the latest additions to the Dahlinova Hypnotica series from Fides. It produces strong, large flowers. It is bred for pot production with excellent branching and easily fills up a gallon with one cutting. It is well matched with the other colors in this uniform series.
Diabunda Red Picotee dianthusDianthus
Burgundy is the newest addition to Takii’s F1 Telstar Dianthus chinensis series. Plants are well-branched and produce masses of vibrant flowers with a high degree of resistance to Phytophthora and other damping-off pathogens. Plants are tolerant to both heat and frost. The series now has 11 colors and a mix.
Syngenta Flowers has introduced several new varieties.
The new D. barbatus Diabunda F1 series features Pink Pearl, Purple, Purple Picotee, Red, Red Picotee and Rose. Compared to traditional Sweet William varieties, the Diabundas flower faster and easier for early spring and winter sales. The series’ uniform habit and timing make for easy production.
Dulce Pink is an F1 D. barbatus x chinensis bred for heat tolerance. The fragrant plant has strong branching that allows it to fill in packs quickly. The series is Fusarium tolerant.
Fandango is a new interspecific that has proven to be Fusarium tolerant. Plants produce frilly, semi-double flowers on tall plants. They are excellent for large container programs.
D. chinensis F1 Venti Parfait tolerates high density production for higher margins. The huge flowers generate eye-catching appeal for that impulse sale.
Grimes Horticulture has added additional colors to its HiGro interspecific series: Coral, Purple, Red, Red and White, Scarlet, White and Mix. These full sun/partial shade plants can be used in large containers, garden borders and as cut flowers. Plants, which grow 20-30 inches tall, produce many early flowers. Plants are perennial to USDA Hardiness Zone 5.
PlantHaven has introduced several new D. hybrida.
Scent First Eternity has highly fragrant, rose-pink, semi-double blooms with a darker eye, carried on sturdy stems. This repeat bloomer, which has blue-green foliage, has a compact mounding habit.
The Early Bird series has a unique compact habit with repeat blooming and early season fragrant double flowers. Chili is electric-pink and produces sturdy stems; Radiance is crimson red; Fizzy features light lavender with a maroon eye; Frosty is pure white; and Sherbert is magenta.
Coconut Surprise has masses of fragrant, double white flowers with burgundy red centers on short stems. It has a blue-green foliage and flowers spring through fall.
Compact mounding Fragrant Star from PlantHaven produces bright sunshine yellow, sweetly scented sterile blooms. It has a long flowering season from early spring through summer and elegant cream and silver-green variegated foliage.
Aloha lily ‘Leia’ eucomisEucomis
Eucomis spp. hybrid Aloha Lily ‘Leia’ from Golden State Bulb Growers is commonly referred to as pineapple lily. Plants are floriferous and naturally compact with bright green leaves covered with purple speckles. Flowers are brightly colored with the gentle fragrance of coconut oil. It has an exceptional indoor postharvest life and is almost “everlasting” in outdoor settings. It is well suited for small to large pots, landscape use and as a possible cut flower. Easy to grow, also naturalizes well in USDA Hardiness Zones 8a–10. Drought tolerant once established.
Two new varieties have been added to Cohen’s Sunbeam Hot series. Pink White has small pink and white flowers. Rose Dark Purple has small rose and dark purple flowers. Both have a half-hanging compact habit and are heat tolerant. Bred by Beier.
Frosty White Flame and Frosty Flame Mix join the Syngenta Flowers Kiss series. The compact, uniform plants with silver foliage don’t require growth regulators. Plants do well under high temperatures.
Apache series from Hem Genetics grows well in plugs, packs and pots. Plants have extreme basal branching and are very early to flower. Plants feature a vigorous, yet compact growth habit. New colors are Violet and Red.
Fidelity Deep Lavender from Syngenta Flowers/GoldFisch has a naturally compact habit for higher density production and easier shipping. Plants are well branched with smaller leaf size and early flowering with little to no growth regulators required. Flowers are resistant to shattering.
Grimes has introduced several geraniums.
Plants in the Saturn series produce large flower heads, 4 inches across. These large, strong plants reach 14-16 inches tall and have good foliage zoning. Plants can be grown in large packs, 4- or 5-inch pots. Red Flare produces true, deep red flowers. Salmon Glow is an iridescent color containing both salmon and rose.
The new Cola series contains AppleBlossom, Apricot, Pink, Red, Rose, Salmon, Scarlet and a Mix. Foliage is a deep cola-green in the center with a thin mint green edge. The flowers are born on strong stems. Plants display two to five flowers at a time that measure 3 inches in diameter. Plant height is 8-10 inches, spread is 10 inches. Growth regulators are not needed.
Interspecific Fusion Flame from Ecke Ranch is a fast-growing, early-to-flower geranium for use in baskets, combinations planters, pots and window boxes. It does not require growth regulators and warm temperatures to speed flowering. Fusion Flame is a part of the company’s new Eck-O Collection of sustainable plants.
Coral Glow is a glowing coral-colored addition to Ecke’s Euro Collection of zonal geraniums, best suited for high-density production. It features compact plants with traditional green foliage and prolific blooming, early to flower.
Ecke’s collection of early spring color regals has added three new colors to the Elegance series. Red Velvet (named for the popular cupcake) is a bold display of red, turning to creamy white. Sunrise is a bright mix of pinks and salmon. Crystal Rose is a bicolor rose and white mix. Varieties can produce full flowers in March through early summer. Plants are self-branching with durable foliage.
Ball FloraPlant’s Fantasia Purple Sizzle produces purple with dark red eye flowers and contrasting dark green foliage. The large, semi-double flowers stand out in landscapes, large pots and baskets. Best suited to 5-inch and larger pots and hanging baskets.
Three new colors help redefine the Horizon series from Floranova which now consists of 14 separate colors and a formula mix. Deep Red is a rich deep-cherry red with exceptionally large flowers. Neon Rose is an electric rose. Tangerine is a soft orange that provides a cool feeling in the garden. The Horizons were bred to flower early with an abundance of large flowers on well-branched plants. Ideally suited for dense production.
The new Sunrise XL series from Selecta is a medium-high vigor zonal geranium with free-branching uniformity. It has large flowers and excellent bench performance. Suited for 6-inch and larger containers. Colors include White, True Red and Appleblossom, which is an interesting champagne color.
Syngenta Flowers has introduced two new gerbera.
Jaguar Fire Dark Center is a member of the earliest flowering series for faster turns and efficient production. Plants are genetically compact so there is no need for growth regulators. Plants produce large flowers.
Autumn Colors is well suited for 5-inch and larger pots. Plants produce large, rich and vibrant colored flowers.
Florist de Kwakel debuts three varieties. Colt is a red semi-double standard with a black center. Halo is a semi-double standard with the dusted color of light lilac and a green center. Souvenir is an orange/yellow double standard with a green center. All three produce flowers that measure 4-4.7 inches.
Early-flowering Mega Revolution gerbera from Kieft-Pro-Seeds produce vigorous, bushy plants with extremely large flowers. Plants are ideal for 6-inch and larger containers. Watermelon is a new and different color to gerbera.
Kieft’s Revolution series delivers quick crop time on compact and uniform plants. White blooms on short stems with dark green leaves. Good for 4½- to 5-inch programs.
The Xagros series from GGG-Gruenewald features White, Gold, Yellow and Yellow Sun. All have a great, compact growing habit.
GGG-Gruenewald’s H. arborescens Blue Helios is a compact variety with dark foliage and is cold resistant.
Hollyhock (Alcea)
Spring Celebrities from Takii features Crimson, Lilac and Pink. Plants, which are naturally dwarf at about 30 inches tall, flower 14-16 weeks from sowing. They have excellent basal branching with semi-double to double flowers. Plants have a long bloom period as flowers open along the length of each stem.
LoGro is a new series from Grimes Horticulture that features Lilac, Pink, Red, Rose, White, Yellow and a Mix. These naturally dwarf plants grow approximately 30 inches tall and prefer full sun to partial shade. Plants bloom in 15 weeks from sowing and are perennial in moderate zones. Many strong side branches are produced, which extend flowering over a long season. Flowers are fully double.
Absolutely Amethyst from Proven Winners is a completely new color. Plants flower in late April to May. It grows 10-12 inches tall and 10-14 inches wide. It is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 4.
PanAmerican Seed’s new Impreza series consists of easy-to-manage plants that provide good soil coverage with less upward stretch. All eight colors flower early and finish in a tight five- to seven-day window for efficient shipping. The series delivers long shelf life to extend the sales window and reduce dump.
The new Patchwork series from Ball FloraPlant produces large flowers that boast one-of-a-kind patterns. The low-maintenance, dark green-leafed plants are mounded, well branched and spreading with non-stop flowers all season. Colors include Peach Prism and Pink Shades.
SunPatiens from Ecke Ranch love the heat and provide three seasons of solid performance and color. Additions are Vigorous Pink and Spreading Corona, a new reddish-orange with green leaves to the spreading category
The Sweet Georgia series from Green Fuse Botanicals is compact and well-branched with a wide range of leaf shapes and colors. Purple remains well behaved in mixed containers. Light Green is more mounded than its predecessors and is well-branched. The broader leaf of Bronze allows more chlorophyll for this bronze variety in early spring production and has a vibrant color.
Green Fuse’s Sweet Georgia Heart series has heart-shaped leaves in three colors: Light Green, Purple and Red. Purple is slightly more vigorous than its predecessor for better garden performance, but is not wild like the generic Ace of Spades. Red grows better under lower light levels and does well in mixed containers and garden uses.
Persian Star from Thompson & Morgan produces large white with faint blue flowers with a darker blue star. The flowers are 4 inches across. This vigorous climber grows to about 6½ feet tall.
Lathyrus (Sweet pea)
Villa Roma Scarlet from Hem Genetics is an exciting new bush-type sweet pea with vivid scarlet-red, sweet scented flowers. This dwarf plant flowers abundantly and is ideal for container gardening. With a neatly mounded plant habit, it grows to about 14 inches tall.
Grimes Horticulture’s LoGro series includes Red, Soft Pink, Pink and a Mix. The plants are covered with fragrant flowers throughout the season. The LoGro breeding means no growth regulators are needed to maintain strong compact plants. Plant height is 6-8 inches and a 14-inch spread. These cool weather tolerant plants are easy to grow.
The Sensation series from Lilylooks, distributed by Zabo Plant include ‘Tiny Sensation,’ ‘Padhye Sensation’ and ‘Orange Sensation.’ All three are bi-color varieties. Hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 3, they are true perennials for the upper Midwest, New England and Canada. Genetically short and easy to grow with a high bud count and bright colors.
Nautica from Hort Couture is a heat tolerant series featuring Flow Blue. The pubescent foliage acts as a cooling effect in warm weather making plants heat tolerant. Young plants have a mounded habit. The colors are vibrant and the flowers are very large and profuse.
Selecta’s Magadi Electric Blue is an eye-catching color that shows well from a distance. It flowers early and offers a choice of habits for versatile uses in baskets and planters. It performs well in the heat of summer.
Cohen’s Angel Series adds Compact Blue, Dark Blue and White. The varieties, bred by Gruenewald, are hanging with compact habits.
Pretty Heaven and Super Blue Eye join Cohen’s Hot series, which are heat tolerant with trailing habits. Bred by Westhoff.
Cohen has added five colors to the Ocean series, bred by NuFlora. Dark Blue Improved, Flash, Pink, Sky Blue and White Improved are heat tolerant with trailing habits.
Sun Parasol Original White is the latest introduction in the Sun Parasol Original Group from Suntory Flowers. The profuse flowering plants continuously produce pure white, medium-sized blooms with a yellow throat. Plants have good branching, glossy foliage and are natural climbers.
Marigold (Tagetes)
AmeriSeed has several new American series and varieties.
Babuda is a new F1 series and includes Deep Gold, Gold and Yellow. Plants are excellent for cut flower production with firm flowers with a long shelf life. Plants feature long, strong, thick flower stems and continuous flowering. The series is highly adaptable to a wide range of climates.
The Bali F1 series is a semi-tall pot-type consisting of Light Yellow (light green center), Yellow, Gold and Orange. Plants have been bred and selected under tropical climate conditions. They have a strong branching habit with a high flower yield and will not fall over under rainy conditions.
Helena is a semi-dwarf F1 series with excellent, firm, round and fully double flowers. Colors include Gold, Yellow and Orange. They are suitable for pots and bedding applications.
The Christy F1 series adds Yellow. These compact, tidy plants produce many fully double flowers. Suitable for pots and bedding, their high uniformity make them easy to transport.
New AmeriSeed varieties include: Narai Yellow, an F1 semi-tall type; Pagoda Yellow, an F1 pot type; and Optiva Orange, an F1 tall type.
Moonsong Deep Orange from Syngenta Flowers is a 2011 All-America Selections winner noted for its incredible color. Plants display excellent branching, stem strength and tight, fully double flowers.
Dune, a new intermediate F2 series of African marigolds from Floranova, demonstrates exceptional garden performance. In the landscape, plants have a well-branched habit that yields a high number of flowers that shed water. Colors include Gold, Orange and Yellow.
Matthiola (Stock)
Takii’s Harmony series adds Cream Yellow. Plants are uniform, dwarf (8-12 inches tall) and well-branched with vibrant green leaves. Approximately 50 percent double flowers, plants are selectable by the cotyledon. It is extra-early flowering and very fragrant.
Golddust from Proven Winners produces true yellow flowers six weeks earlier than other varieties. This heat lover provides all season color and has significantly smaller but far more flowers than other mecardonia. It grows 1-3 inches tall with a 12-16 inch spread.
Casino Light Yellow from Takii has knee-high growth and it flowers well all season. It is heat and drought tolerant and is great for pot and garden use.
LoGro Light Yellow from Grimes Horticulture is a full-sun plant that prefers hot temperatures. Bushy plants with a dense canopy of bright green foliage reach 30 inches tall. Plants produce yellow daisy-type flowers all season long. They do best in full sun and are tolerant to extreme heat and drought. Plants begin flowering when they reach 6-8 inches tall. They make a nice potted plant in 4- to 5-inch containers.
Karoo Violet Ice from Oro Farms is a very sturdy plant with a mounding habit and thick stems. It is one of two selections in the series with this dependable habit.
Angelart Pineapple from Fides produces many flowers and a great scent. Strawberry is another new color.
New Guinea Impatiens
Dummen’s Red Fox Magnum series features six colors, all produce enormous flowers. The plants are simple to grow.
Seed-produced Divine F1 series from PanAmerican Seed establishes quickly in the landscape. Plants come in a range of flower colors and have a one-week flowering window.
PanAmerican Seed’s Orange Bronze Leaf has large, deep-orange flowers on mid-bronze foliage. It’s well branched with a controlled growth habit.
Margarita Pink Flare osteospermumOsteospermum
The Crescendo series from Ecke Ranch adds bold, bright Yellow and Light Purple, the first introduction of a purple flower in this style of heat-tolerant hybrids. This vigorous summer osteospermum is well suited for later season sales. Plants have a mounding habit making them ideal for 4- to 6-inch pots, hanging baskets and combination planters. Both are part of Ecke’s low-maintenance Painted Dunes Collection.
Two trendy new colors (Antique Blue and Terracotta) have been added to Ecke’s Cape Daisy series which features extreme flower power. More vigorous than the Side Show series, these daisies excel in 6-inch pots, hanging baskets and combinations planters. Bred by Sakata.
The Impassion series from GGG-Gruenewald feature very early flowering, large flowers, no variation in colors during flowering (bleaching), cultivation without pinching and cold temperatures, round and compact habit with many shoots, long-term flowering during summer.
Pink has been added to Selecta’s Zion series. The early-flowering, upright and well-branched plants have large flowers.
Pink Flare from Fides is a bicolored introduction within the Margarita series. This variety needs little growth regulators to make a good branching plant. The big flowers with round petals have a nice color contrast.
‘Lilac Splash’ tropical bush from GroLink grows best in full sun. It produces many flowers nearly year round. When mature, plants reach 2 feet tall and up to 4 feet wide. It’s great in the landscape or in combination pots.
The F1 Iona series from Takii is uniform and very compact with large 3- to 3½-inch flowers and excellent heat tolerance with early flowering. New colors include Clear Blue, Orange, Pink Shades Improved, Heavenly Blue and Orange with Blotch.
The F1 Floral Power series from Takii has uniform plants with an upright habit that are extremely floriferous. Plants are suitable for spring and fall sales with early flowering. New colors include Gold Purple Wing, Lilac Rose with White Center and Yellow Blotch with Red Wing.
The F1 Delta Premium series from Syngenta Flowers produces large flowers with less plant stretch and longer shelf life making it an excellent choice for fall, winter and spring flowering. Plants over winter well and rebound from inclement weather. New colors include Premium Gold with Blotch, Premium Purple Medley and Premium Tapestry.
Mammoth Pink Berry from Syngenta Flowers displays excellent uniformity and extra large flowers. It is an excellent choice for fall, winter and spring flowering. Plants branch well in pots.
Massive Pink Blotch from Grimes Horticulture has extra large 4-inch diameter flowers. Plants remain more compact and flower size stays large longer into the summer than other series. It is an ideal choice for over-wintering and for early spring sales.
The new Thriller series from Benary are the earliest flowering XL pansy series on the market. Plants produce large flowers that don’t stretch even under warm conditions. Their compact habit fills in packs and pots quickly with little need for growth regulators. Plants flower well into the fall even under short days. Colors include Yellow with Blotch; White; Wine; Primrose and Red with Blotch.
PlentiFall from PanAmerican Seed is the first trailing pansy series from seed with a flat growing habit, spreading up to 24 inches. This vigorous series features superior overwintering hardiness to USDA Hardiness Zone 5, and has similar culture to multiflora pansies. Available in three colors and one mix.
Sangria is the latest addition to the Matrix series from PanAmerican Seed. It features wine shades with variations of yellow halo around the center blotch.
Blue Jeans is an addition to the Sakata Majestic Giants II series. It offers unique multi-hued denim coloring with darker upper petals and is an early bloomer. Each bicolor flower is 3-4 inches wide on plants reaching 6-8 inches tall.
Papaver (Poppy)
In addition to the popular mix, Sakata’s Papaver nudicaule Wonderland series is available in individual colors: Yellow, Pink Shades, White and Orange. Plentiful 4-inch flowers are produced on sturdy thick stems that reach 10 inches tall. Known for their wind and cold tolerance, plants can be shipped with pansies and other cool crops.
GroLink’s ‘Lemon Vine’ (leafy cactus), is part of the cactus family, but it is not considered a succulent. It is very easy to grow and fast to finish. It makes a beautiful and unique basket or landscape item.
Takii’s F1 Opera Supreme series is extremely floriferous with a low, spreading habit and consistent flowering from the center to the tips of the plants. It has less day length sensitivity and spreads 10-15 square feet in the landscape. New colors include Light Blue and Raspberry Ice.
Dummen’s Red Fox Potunia Papaya produces bold orange flowers. Like all Potunia varieties, it features a round and compact habit, is easy to grow, and flowers early. Potunia petunias are perfect for many applications, especially patio pots.
Red Fox Surprise Pink Lemonade produces unique pink and yellow flowers. It was named by visitors to Dummen’s California Spring Trials in April. Like other Surprise petunias, it features medium growth with large flowers.
Purple Wave Improved from PanAmerican Seed begins to flower 12 to 14 days earlier than Purple Classic. Its larger bloom size with flowering in the plant center gives it a fuller look. Faster garden fill, even in cooler and wetter conditions.
Black Velvet petuniaBall FloraPlant has added three dark flowering varieties.
Black Velvet is the world’s only black petunia. A perfect fit for premium baskets and containers. Upright and mounded, it adds drama to mixed containers. Early to flower, it has a tightly branched habit.
Phantom shows off a black base color with a distinctive yellow star pattern. It mounds with an upright habit, and works well in mixed container applications or on its own as a standout display.
Distinctive Pinstripe produces dark purple flowers with a creamy white star pattern.
Martha Washington Pink in Oro Farms’ Novela series produces uniquely colored semi-double flowers. It is quick to flower and was bred for use in premium baskets and containers.
GGG-Gruenewald has new small (Tiny Pleasure), medium (Sweet Pleasure) and large (Sun Pleasure) flowering series. Outstanding colors, nice round shape and endless flowers. They are weather resistance and heat tolerant.
‘Littletunia Dark Eyed Lady’ from Danziger displays striking black and white colored flowers on a compact plant. Expect a profusion of continuous flowers all season.
‘Littletunia Dark Eyed Lady’ petuniaPetunia Pink Ray from Danziger blooms early with a profusion of grandiflora sweet pink flowers. Its mounded habit makes it well suited for combination pots, landscapes, hanging baskets and containers.
Blanket Violet from Green Fuse Botanicals produces eye-popping violet flowers with a white center. Beautiful in solo plantings or in mixed combinations.
Limbo Burgundy from Hem Genetics is the 13th color in this non-stretching grandiflora series. The naturally dwarf plants produce large flowers and have a long shelf life. It requires no growth regulators.
Syngenta Flowers has added several new varieties.
No growth regulators are needed for the Picobella natural mini petunia series. Germination is uniform, strong and versatile, making plants perfect for garden borders, small containers and hanging baskets. New colors include Rose Morn and Rose Star.
Hurrah Star Mix is easy to bloom under low light and short days for early season flowering. Plants have excellent branching and a full range of colors.
Ramblin’ Sugar Plum is less day length sensitive than other petunias. It requires no complicated lighting or production schedules making it very grower friendly. It can be produced in 4-inch pots, mixed containers and hanging baskets.
Picnic Light Pink produces a continuous supply of early 1-inch blooms. This quick-finish variety has a strong and semi-trailing habit that makes it ideal in the landscape as well as in hanging baskets.
The Sanguna series is bred for exceptional branching and superb bloom coverage. Plants look outstanding in landscape beds, filling in large areas quickly with a mass of flowers. New colors include Pink Vein and Rose.
Whispers is a very uniform series with early flowering, most flower with 12 hours or less day length. A versatile series with exceptional cold tolerance. Plants can be used in landscapes, hanging baskets and combination planters. Lavender Eye has been added to the series.
Grimes Horticulture has added several new petunias.
The mounding grandiflora Candypops series adds Strawberry Vanilla, which has large 3½- to 5-inch flowers. Plants have a vigorous and spreading habit. Thick petals on the flowers hold up well to severe weather. Blue has nice flower color, large flowers and good performance.
LoGro Milli miniature petunia series has small flowers like calibrachoa but with much more brilliant colors and is much easier to grow. Plants have no complicated pH adjustments and no growth regulators are needed. The plants naturally mature into compact mounds 8-10 inches tall and 8-10 inches wide. Flowering is profuse. New colors include Rose Morn and Rose Star.
Violet and White have been added to the LoGro Trailing Compact series. The compact plants don’t require growth regulators and are less day length sensitive so blooming is faster under short days. They are fast growing in both cool and warm conditions. The mounding plants spread to 36 inches.
Light Blue and Raspberry Ice have been added to the Trailing Standard series. The early-flowering plants produce 2-inch flowers with a ground creeping habit. The full sun plants prefer warm temperatures. They perform well in the garden and in hanging baskets. Spread is to 4 feet.
Panache series from Hort Couture adds Key Lime Pie, Tropical Sky, Lemonade Stand, Amethyst Eclipse and Pink Organdy.
Perfectunia series from Hort Couture is very compact with large, ruffled flowers. It has a rounded habit with robust, dark green foliage.
Cohen has added several new varieties.
Lemon, Pastel Pink and Red Ice are new to its Happy series. Plants produce large single flowers. Bred by Breier.
Additions to the Happy Mini series are: Punch Banana features a medium bicolored pink and yellow single flower; Purple Star has a medium bicolored purple and white single flower and Candy Bicolor has a medium white and purple striped single flower. Bred by Breier.
Soft Pink Vein has been added to the Mini Me series. It has small, light pink veined flowers and a compact trailing habit. Bred by Breier.
Phlox paniculata Early Start series contains new inter-specific hybrids bred in the Netherlands and offered as liners from Pacific Plug & Liner. Three colors are available: Pink, Light Pink and Velvet. The compact plants reach 8-12 inches tall. The densely branched, fragrant flowering plants bloom four to six weeks earlier than traditional paniculata types. Early Starts are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 5 and do best in full sun.
Jubilee from PlantHaven has fresh green upright-arching foliage with striking cherry red margins. It has a tight clumping habit and is best grown in partial shade. It is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 8.
Bred for container gardening at only 12-18 inches tall, the Candy Drop series from Skagit Gardens features many stems covered with flowers in Cream, Deep Rose, Red and Tangerine. The plants’ compact habit keeps them neat and tidy in pots or in the garden. An early bloomer, it continues to produce flowers through summer and into fall. Hybridized by David Kerley.
Crimson has been added to Cohen’s Wake Up series. Bred by Breier, this new variety has a large single red flower and a trailing habit.
Primula elatior Piano series from Benary was bred for fall or early spring production. Colors include Blue, Fire, Orange, Red, Rose, Violet, White and Yellow. The compact habit stays tight even under warm conditions. Plants produce large flowers and small leaves.
Mache Bicolor Mix and White from Syngenta Flowers are very growth regulator receptive. Plants produce large, eye-catching flowers.
True Pearl roseRose
Greenheart Farms added three new varieties to its micro miniature rose Garden Treasures program. Citrine has vibrant orange blooms with a petal count of 26 to 40. This easy-to-grow, disease-resistant rose is self-cleaning and low-maintenance. It has a compact growing habit with a maximum height and width of 12 inches. Star Ruby is a red and white striped rose with a mild fragrance. It has a compact growing habit with a maximum height and width of 12 inches. Petal count is 8 to 14 petals. True Pearl is a spicy fragrant rose that can create instant impact in the garden and can be sold as an annual or perennial in 2¼-inch to 1-quart pots. All three are hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 4b-11.
Hort Couture’s Mannequin vegetative series features Bright Blue, Silvery Moon and Sky Blue. Bright Blue has very dark flowers. Silvery Moon has a slight silver overtone on the foliage and the huge white flower heads. Sky Blue has big, bicolor flowers and rich, dark green foliage.
‘Million Suns’ from Benary has a compact, dense habit so plants don’t have to be pinched and won’t get tangled on the bench. It produces a mass of clean yellow flowers on thick short stems.
Compact Yellow and Yellow have been added to Cohen’s Show series, bred by Breier. Compact Yellow has a single yellow flower and compact, half hanging habit; Yellow has a single yellow flower and half hanging habit.
The Solaris series adds Compact Yellow, a very compact yellow flower; Yellow, which has controlled growth and a yellow flower and Table, which is medium compact with controlled growth and a yellow flower. Bred by Nebelung.
The Paper Doll series from Hort Couture includes Top Model which has a compact habit, big blue flowers and excellent branching.
Suntastic from Westhoff is the first yellow flowering scaevola. It has dark green foliage with very early flowering. It is easy to grow and can be used for pots, baskets and containers.
Lemon Mist Improved scoparia
Illumina series from Suntory Flowers has an unusual red licorice fragrance. Lemon Mist Improved produces an abundance of dainty, star-shaped, yellow flowers continuously throughout the season. The size of flower is noticeably bigger than the previous variety. Illumina is good for hanging baskets and window boxes.
Sedum rubens ‘Lizard’ from Benary is at home in high temperatures and drought conditions. Extremely short crop times and low grower inputs make it well suited for mixed containers, topiaries and dish gardens. It fills in a 4-inch pot in nine to 11 weeks.
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum)
Montego Rose from Syngenta Flowers produces strong branching plants with sturdy stems. Uniform plants are early flowering. Montego is a very vigorous series for season-long color.
Ecke’s new Dragon series contains upright growing plants with fragrant open-faced flowers. Varieties include Buttery Dragon, Rosey Dragon and Peachy Dragon. They are outstanding for early-season and spring sales, but will flower into the heat of summer. The plant habit is ideal for use in quart and gallons pots or in the center of combination planters.
Compactness and early flower make ABZ Seeds’ F1 ‘Merlan’ an ideal variety for professional bedding plant growers. It develops a compact plant with pink flowers and mid-sized, conical fruit. Abundant flowering and high fruit yield occur throughout the summer. F1 ‘Tristan’ develops a compact plant with large, deep rose flowers. Few to no runners make it well suited for high density culture. It features biconical, mid-sized fruit through the summer.
Three colors have been added to Cohen’s Lovely series. Rosy Cheek has a single, large, light pink and white flower. Magenta features a large red and orange flower. Punky Violet has a single, large violet flower with sharp edges. Bred by Danziger.
Floranova/Vegetalis has introduced several new vegetable varieties.
Floral Spires Lavender and Floral Spires White basil were bred for their beautiful flowers as well as their delightful flavor. A densely branched and early flowering habit make this basil easy to grow and fast to finish. With their distinct cinnamon Thai basil scent, the plants are well suited for mixed containers or window gardens when combined with other vegetables or flowers.
An attractive compliment to last year’s Ivory and Amethyst (formerly Ebony), the new Pinstripe eggplant has a unique light purple fruit striped with white accents. Larger than Ivory and Amethyst’s egg sized fruit, the spineless Pinstripe produces an abundance of medium-sized fruit on compact plants.
Pompeii is a sweet Italian pepper that presents a rainbow of colors as it ripens. From its near chartreuse green beginning the fruit turns a soft cream to an attractive orange as it matures. The large sweet fruit is borne on compact well-branched plants. The fruit is excellent for roasting or as a fresh garnish on salads.
Little Sun Yellow Improved tomato
Little Sun Yellow Improved tomato was bred to match the habit and fruit size of the popular Totem tomato. This early tomato produces an abundance of mid-sized, deep yellow 2-ounce fruit close to its thick strong stem so little if any support is needed.
‘Mega Bite’ produces 4- to 6-ounce beefsteak type tomatoes which redefine large tomatoes on a compact plant. The bright red fruit is meaty and very juicy, yet firm and solid for easy slicing. The variety’s thick and strong central stem and short lateral branches support the fruit close to the stem. Superb for small spaces, this highly productive variety yields a bounty of rounded shoulder fruit that resist splitting.
Oval golden yellow fruit abound on the bush tomato Peardrops. Well-branched, it yields a prolific amount of sweet oblong 1 ounce fruit. Peardrops can be staked for a mounding habit in containers or allowed to trail in hanging baskets.
The small, round fruit of the two new Rambling tomatoes are the first heirloom cherry tomatoes on a pendulous habit. Cascading more than 2 feet, these varieties are excellent choices for window boxes and hanging baskets. Both the golden yellow fruit of Gold Stripe and the deep red fruit of Red Stripe have distinct green stripes for a unique appearance. The 1- to 1½-ounce fruit is as sweet as it is interesting to look at.
Early to mature, Tumbling Tiger produces 1- to 1½-ounce oval striped fruit, which give this variety a distinct heirloom look. The fruit look like little stripped watermelons when green and are almost as sweet as melons when ripe. Its dense, flat habit provides a basket hugging plant for easy shipping and use in tight patio spaces.
PanAmerican Seed’s SimplySalad pellet contains a tasty, good-looking blend of greens that can be grown in pots and color bowls, then enjoyed as an edible ornamental. This cut-and-come-again crop can be sown in plugs or direct into the final container. Three blends are available.
Lanai Strawberry and Cream from Syngenta Flowers/Goldfisch is early to bloom with large, striking flowers. Plants have exceptional powdery mildew resistance.
Flowers cover Syngenta Flowers/Goldfisch’s Magelana series plants, providing a carpet of color for the entire season. Plants display attractive, fine-leaf foliage and a more compact, low-growing habit. New colors include Peach, Plum Frost and Purple with Eye.
Voodoo Star from Westhoff features a nice star shaped bicolored intense red with creamy white flowers. It has a compact growth habit, with flowers that are close to the foliage and is continuously flowering. The dark green, mid-sized foliage is very durable.
Ball FloraPlant has released the non-fading deep, dark blue Aztec Blue Velvet. Fast off the bench, early-flowering, it has excellent powdery mildew tolerance. It stands up to heat and humidity plus cool temperatures, staying lush and healthy from spring through fall.
Costa del Sol series from Ecke Ranch is early flowering and mildew tolerant. It was bred by Gamia Plant Breeding. The plants’ mounding habit allows them to work equally well in pots and baskets. Colors include White, Pink and Magenta.
Lascar series from Selecta is reliable, early flowering and delivers medium, easy-to-control vigor. It has full-centered blooms, excellent branching and proven mildew tolerance. Great summer performers through heat, these semi-trailing plants are well suited to mono and mixed baskets and pots. Magenta has a darker magenta center with a white eye.
Lilac is an addition to Cohen’s Corsage series. It has a double lilac flowers and compact hanging habit. Bred by Breier.
Bicolor Pink and Lavender have been added to Cohen’s Tiara series. Bred by Breier.
The SunStorm series from Syngenta Flowers is the perfect choice for lower price-point packs and small pots. These genetically compact plants need little to no growth regulators. Plants are free-flowering and finish early. New colors include Deep Orchid and Purple.
Grimes Horticulture’s new F1 LoGro series stays compact and strong without growth regulators. Plants resist disease and produce very large flowers. Plants reach 5 inches tall in packs and pots. In the landscape they grow to 12 inches. Flowers measure up to 2½ inches wide. Colors include Apricot, Burgundy, Deep Lavender, Lavender, Orange, Orchid, Peppermint, Pink, Punch, Purple Eye, Purple, Red, Violet, Watermelon, White and Mix.
The Boa F1 series from Floranova adds Burgundy and Peppermint. Cascading plants have a full round appearance and produce large flowers. The series vigor provides outstanding disease tolerance.
Orange, Peach Melba, Deep Rose, True Red and Purple have been added to Floranova’s F1 Cobra series. Bred for pack and small pot production, plants have an early branching habit and large flowers. With its increased vigor, the series withstands more disease pressure than open-pollinated varieties.
Hem Genetics has added Marina and Violet with Yellow Face to its Corina series. Plants have a uniform mounding habit with strong branching that fills pots quickly. They are covered with multiple flowers, blooming from the beginning until the end of the season. Plants reach 4-6 inches tall.
Penny Primrose Picotee from Syngenta Flowers is extremely free flowering which make it great for both fall and spring seasons. It has a robust root system and produces large, flat flowers that form a carpet of color.
Plants in Syngenta’s Endurio series have a mounding, spreading habit that make them perfect for baskets, color bowls and landscapes for both spring and fall flowering. Plants are well-branched and free flowering with good bloom coverage over the entire plant. Sky Blue Martien is a 2010 All-America Selections Cool Season Award Winner. Lavender is also a new color.
All-new Sorbet XP genetics from PanAmerican Seed deliver the most uniform plant habit and tightest bloom window. Plants cover the soil at flowering with more flowers on every plant and less stretching. There are 15 new colors.
With a garden height of 24-30 inches, the Queen series from Benary comes in two colors: Lime and Red Lime. Their well branched, upright habit, and extremely durable stems means the plants work well as bedding plants and fresh cut flowers.
Double Zahara from PanAmerican Seed boasts all the same exceptional traits as its single Zahara counterparts: bigger flowers for more color show, outstanding disease tolerance, low water needs, and superior all-season performance in beds and planters. Both Cherry and Fire are All-America Selections winners.
The highly heat and drought tolerant Profusion series from Sakata has added Sunrise Mix, a combination of Yellow, Fire and White, and the 7 Color Mix with Yellow, White, Fire, Orange, Apricot, Coral Pink and Cherry. Plants spread up to 2 feet across with a height of 12-18 inches.

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