Culture: Eriogonum

A how-to production guide.

Eriogonum allenii ‘Little Rascal’ (shale barrens buckwheat) from Jelitto Perennial Seeds originated in Virginia and West Virginia. This drought-tolerant, durable plant flowers from June through September. It has an upright habit reaching 16 inches tall with golden yellow flowers and 16 inches wide. Its grey-green paddle-shaped leaves form tight rosettes.


‘Little Rascal’ grows best in full sun, and can be used in rock gardens, dry area landscapes and mixed containers. It prefers well-drained soils with a pH of 5.5-6.5 

  • Seed should be sown into open flats or 72-cell plug trays filled with a well-drained growing medium with a slightly alkaline to neutral pH. The seed should be sown with two to three seeds per cell. Seed is best sown from March through November.
  • Sow seed and provide even moisture and a temperature of 68°F-72°F. If germination does not occur after three to four weeks, a cooling period of two to four weeks is recommended.
  • Plugs should be ready to transplant in four to six weeks. Transplant one to two plugs per 4½-inch pot and two to three plugs for 6-inch and larger. Plants should be ready for sale in six to eight weeks.
  • Plants should be grown at day time temperatures of 60°F-65°F and night temperatures of 50°F-55°F. During the short days of winter, provide night interruption lighting (chrysanthemum lighting) of four hours between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.
  • Fertilize plants once a month with 100-150 parts per million nitrogen. No plant growth regulators are needed. Plants do not have any major pest or disease problems.


Name: Eriogonum allenii ‘Little Rascal’

Crop timing:
18-26 weeks from sowing to finished plants in 4½- to 6-inch pots.

Grower benefits:
Easy to grow, no major pest or disease problems, has multiple uses.

For more:  Jelitto Perennial Seeds, (502) 895-0807;




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