Variety Notebook

Plants you need to know to grow



Penstemon ‘Prairie Twilight’
Penstemon ‘Prairie Twilight’ from Blooms of Bressingham produces a myriad of small tubular flowers with white tips and throats. Plants have wide, lance-shaped leaves and sturdy stems. It has a long bloom time from late May through July.

Vigorous plants reach 22 inches tall and spread to 26 inches. It can also be used as an upright element in sunny perennial borders and in containers. ‘Prairie Twilight’ was selected by University of Nebraska horticulture professor Dale Lindgren. It is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9.

For more:  Blooms of Bressingham, (330) 745-2143;

Glory stock
Varieties in the Matthiola incana Glory series from American Takii do not require as much of a cold period for bud initiation as other varieties. Colors include White Improved, Rose, Cherry, Lavender, Pink and Blue. These columnar type stock plants reach a height of 30-36 inches. They are very early to flower finishing in three to four weeks from a 200-cell plug.

The growing medium pH should be kept between 5.5 to 6.5 and the electrical conductivity level under 0.3. If the temperature is too cold during the seedling stage the plants will be short.

Selection of doubles can be done about two weeks after sowing. Doubles are usually taller, have larger cotyledons and have cotyledons that are lighter green in color. White Improved is earliest blooming by seven to 10 days.

For more:   American Takii, (831) 443-4901;

‘Savannah Sunset’ leonotis
Leonotis menthifolia ‘Savannah Sunset’ from Skagit Gardens Inc. is a perennial grown for its showy and unusual whorls of two-lipped, furry, orange tubular flowers. It has square stems and aromatic foliage. Plants bloom from July through October. It can be used as a cut flower, in landscape beds and as a specimen plant.

Plants are free branching and upright. ‘Savannah Sunset’ grows 60-72 inches tall and spreads 36 inches. It is hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 8.

For more:  Skagit Gardens Inc., (800) 334-1719;



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