Bees and the green industry

ANLA, OFA and SAF have collaborated to help the industry understand the issue.

The following is from the ANLA, SAF and OFA

Following the unfortunate and accidental bee-kill that happened in Oregon this past June, many activist groups have stepped up their efforts to prohibit or disrupt the use of neonicotinoids. In many cases they are trying to identify the use of these insecticides as the sole cause for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) of European honeybees – a phenomenon, sometimes referred to by the more general term “Bee Decline,” where the worker bees do not return to their hive after foraging.

However, recent reports by the USDA and EPA suggest that the cause of CCD is likely much more complicated than any one factor. Documents developed by ANLA, OFA and SAF attempt to shed additional light on this difficult issue by recognizing the importance of protecting our environment and our pollinator population, while fulfilling the need to protect our crops from damaging insect pests.

ANLA, OFA and SAF have collaborated on a letter which you can read here, and a “frequently asked questions” (FAQs) document here to help the horticulture industry get a better sense of the challenges we now face regarding our use of neonicotinoid insecticides.

These documents will help growers, landscapers, and retailers explain to their customers why these chemicals are an important part of our toolbox, and the fact that current scientific evidence supports their responsible use as part of a pest management strategy.

ANLA, a Washington, DC-based trade association, represents green industry business professionals seeking market leadership through advocacy with our nation’s government, a community of industry innovators and experts, and unique, profitability-focused programming, products and services. Through the Lighthouse Program, a partnership with green industry state and regional associations, ANLA represents more than 22,000 businesses before Congress and to the White House.

SAF is the Washington, DC-based trade association representing all segments of the U.S. floral industry. Our members are the industry’s top retailers, growers, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, educators, students and allied organizations nationwide and abroad. SAF provides marketing, government advocacy, industry intelligence, and best practices information for the industry, which produces and sells cut flowers and foliage, foliage plants, potted flowering plants, and bedding plants, competing in the international marketplace.

OFA – The Association of Horticulture Professionals is the leading horticulture educational association in the United States. It is a non-profit, all-industry, educational organization and its core purpose/mission is “to support and advance professional horticulture.” Industry segments served include garden centers, greenhouses, nurseries, retail and wholesale florists, and interior plantscapers. OFA is especially known for its outstanding publications and its annual OFA Short Course, U.S. horticulture’s premier convention and marketplace. The next Short Course will take place on July 12-15, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio USA.