On point

From protecting ecosystems to conserving resources, current garden trends are earth-friendly.

Photos courtesy of PHS

Each year, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) shares its list of garden trend predictions. PHS, known as a national leader for gardening and the producer of the world-renowned PHS Philadelphia Flower Show, is routinely tapped as a source for inspiration and trendsetting in gardening and horticulture. 

This year’s trends are reflective of the growing popularity of climate-wise gardening practices, new gardening ideas for the fall season and the continued popularity of houseplants.

“These 2023 gardening trends offer a great way for gardeners to get inspired and get a feel for what professionals at the forefront of this industry are doing in their own gardens,” says Andrew Bunting, PHS vice president of horticulture.

Gardens can be important habitats for insects and birds.

Share these trends with your landscape customers to keep them up to date on what consumers or even commercial property managers may want.

Gardens with ecological functions – People are continuing to see their gardens as part of a larger ecosystem. Through incorporating native and pollinator plants, gardeners are creating habitats for insects and birds with special attention being paid to the endangered Monarch butterfly through planting native butterfly milkweed, especially Asclepias tuberosa.  

“Leave the Leaves” – This movement encourages people to leave their leaves on the property and convert them into compost, mulch or fertilizer to reduce landfill waste. And leaves left on lawns provide shelter for insects that birds eat.

Home gardeners have discovered that they can grow produce much more often throughout the year.
Fall is a great time to add color to the garden.

Water-wise gardens and plants – With global climate events and increasingly erratic weather patterns including extended periods of drought, there is an increased need to consider water-wise gardens, xeriscaping, gravel gardens and drought-tolerant plants. [Editor’s note: this month’s cover story focuses on drought-tolerant plants and one grower who saw the need for them ahead of much of the industry.]

The houseplant craze continues – Houseplants have become an essential part of home décor, health and wellness planning, and social activities. And decorating with houseplants isn’t relegated to the inside. Consumers also use houseplants to jazz up patios and porches. In some regions, traditional houseplants are used in mixed containers and treated like annuals.

“Fall is for planting” – Fall has been promoted for the last 20 years as a favorable time in the gardening season to plant perennials, shrubs and trees. Now, fall is being promoted as a time to add color to the garden, as well. There are several annuals and seasonal plants that offer fall visual interest, all featuring cold tolerance, beautiful foliage or interesting fruits and berries. These include colorful flowering salvias, celosias, asters, ornamental kales and several plants with ornamental fruits, berries or peppers.  

Amazing Aroids – These popular houseplants that feature distinctive, tropical and often uniquely patterned foliage continue to grow in popularity such as Philodendron, Scindapsus, Anthurium, Alocasia and Colocasia, while some rare species like ‘Pharaoh’s Mask’ have sold for hundreds of dollars. Caladiums, plants known for their lush, multi-colored leaves and popularity in Victorian times, have also seen an amazing renaissance with new introductions like ‘White Christmas’ and ‘Crimson Sky’. 

Food gardening thrives – People are discovering that even with minimal space such as a back patio or a front stoop, they can grow produce throughout many months of the year, feeding themselves, donating to food pantries and even sharing with neighbors.

For more: PHSOnline.org

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