by Matthew J. Grassi

CAST 2022: 6 trends that go beyond the new intros

While clearly a plant-driven event, California Spring Trials has moved back to it’s traditional March timeframe, giving attendees ample opportunity to discuss trends and expectations for the upcoming season.

CAST 2022: A peak inside Lotusland (Photos)

Done with breeder appointments for the day, we stopped off in Montecito, California — the toney enclave home to wealthy celebs like Oprah, Ellen, Ariana Grande and Rob Lowe — to visit this world-renowned botanical garden.

10 CAST 2022 first day personal favorites

One editor chooses his favorite 10 new varieties from Day One at CAST.

Plant pit master: How and what to grow ‘low and slow’

Although it’s not as common in today’s world of stepped-up plant demand, there are still situations where it makes sense to slow down plant growth. Here’s some best management practices to keep in mind when doing so.

8 tips for adding succulents to the production cycle

Looking for a new plant species to diversify your offerings? Maybe succulents are your answer.

Follow these 4 tips for energy efficient plant production

Greenhouse growers that want to avoid sticker shock when they open their latest utility bills should heed these four tips from Michigan State University’s Dr. Erik Runkle.

How to build better begonias

Plantpeddler founder Mike Gooder gives his top production tips for begonias at the 2021 Finished Plant Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Cultivate’21 intros from Proven Winners

A couple plant varieties, as well as a new sustainable pot option and a line of garden augers, highlight some of the new offerings from Proven Winners in Columbus.

New & eye-catching from PP&L

These three varieties caught our attention at Pacific Plug & Liner's CAST 2021 stop.

American Takii: Brand new for 2022

Introductions from the international seed breeder at the 2021 California Summer Trials