Jessica Hanna

Jessica Hanna is a Cleveland-based freelance writer.

Serious suds

Soap bubbles boost energy efficiency in test greenhouse.

Spot on

How to identify, mitigate and treat fungal leaf spot in ornamentals

Empowering poinsettia propagation

To ensure healthy, disease-free yields, growers need to be on their guard right from the rooting stage

Tagging tips

Enhance product value with informative, inspirational tags and labels that speak directly to the end user

A plague among plants

It’s unsightly, unwavering — and it can be very costly. Here’s how you can identify and manage downy mildew infestation in ornamentals.

Keeping it easy

How Richard Mostert applies simple techniques and home solutions to bolster Mostert Greenhouses

Weevil woes

How to quickly spot and stop a black vine weevil infestation

Beyond research

How NAU’s Research Greenhouse Complex has expanded its mission to include reforestation after wildfires

State of the Industry: Doing more with less

How to maximize productivity and efficiency despite declining staff sizes.

State of the Industry: Margin boost

How to increase your greenhouse’s profit margin