Jinsheng Huang, Paul Fisher, Dustin Meador and William Argo

Jinsheng Huang is research scientist, Paul R. Fisher is associate professor and extension specialist and Dustin Meador is Ph.D. candidate, University of Florida, pfisher@ufl.edu. William R. Argo is technical manager, Blackmore Co., bargo@blackmoreco.com.

The authors thank sponsors of the Water Education Alliance for Horticulture (watereducationalliance.org) for supporting this series, including AquaPulse Systems, BioSafe Systems, Blackmore Co., Chem Fresh, Chlorinators Incorporated, DRAMMwater, Fafard, Greencare Fertilizers, Griffin Greenhouse and Nursery Supplies, Hanna Instruments, Phyton Corporation, Pindstrup, Premier Horticulture, Pulse Instruments, Quality Analytical Laboratories, Sun Gro Horticulture and Trueleaf Technologies. The authors also thank the USDA-ARS Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative and the Young Plant Research Center (floriculturealliance.org) for supporting the underlying research.