February 2017

Outlook: Impact and recovery
The Growing Edge: Edible flowers are on the rise
Culture / A How-To Production Guide: Kniphofia ‘Poco Sunset’
Culture / A How-To Production Guide: Calibrachoa Colibri
Tech Solutions: Light diffusion through greenhouse coverings
Using substrate drenches to apply growth regulators
Hort Truths: Make your job postings more appealing
The Human Resource: Weed at work: New marijuana laws raise vexing questions for employers
Business Minds: 7 signs you’re too trusting
Cover Story: Wind, water & wreckage
Structures & Components: The state of automation in horticulture
Varieties: Tropical plant round-up
Equipment & Technology: Amazon could change the way we sell plants
Legislation: Possible tax reforms to come
Management: Carefully administer pre-employment background checks