February 2018

Outlook: After the fire
The Growing Edge: Researchers discover powdery mildew in ‘plant-idote’
Culture / A How-To Production Guide: Mandevilla ‘Sun Parasol Apricot’
Meet the Grower: Finishing strong
Hort Truths: Silver plants worth their weight in gold
Ethephon: A PGR multi-tool
Tech Solutions: Does light transmission through greenhouse glazing matter?
Industry Voices: Q&A: Craig Regelbrugge on how the tax bill affects the horticulture industry
The Human Resource: Take stock of sexual harassment policies
Three Questions: Tal Coley
2018 Focus on Disease Control
Focus on Disease Control: Pythium: Who’s causing Pythium root rot now?
2018 Focus on Disease Control: Tobacco Rattle Virus: Tobacco Rattle Virus in peonies
Focus on Disease Control: Hydroponic Crops: Managing diseases for controlled-environment food crops
Focus on Disease Control: Xanthomonas: 8 tips for controlling Xanthomonas on begonia