January 2019

2019 Greenhouse Greats
Breeder: Chris Hansen
Natives: Pizzo Native Plant Nursery
Plant Trialing: Brandon Coker
Potted Plants: Hionis Greenhouses
Social Media: Salisbury Greenhouses
Specialty Crop Research: Conservatory at Matthaei Botanical Gardens
Up-and-Comer: Nathan Nordstedt
University Extension: Dr. Steven Newman
Website: Ray Wiegand’s Nursery
Outlook: Finding joy
Culture / A How-To Production Guide: AMORE Petunias
The Growing Edge: 4 issues AmericanHort’s Tal Coley is monitoring in 2019
Accommodate with amendments
Hort Truths: Get back on track
Meet the Grower: Brent Troost: Cultivating plants & people
Tech Solutions: Try these four add-on devices to speed up transplanting
Three Questions: Noelle Skodzinski