May 2020

Outlook: Opportunity knocks
Home Page: Top stories from Greenhouse Management’s website
Managing weeds in the greenhouse
Hort Truths: Closer connections with distance digital
Meet the Growers: Tim and Lisa King: King of the greenhouse
Tech Solutions: Check your heating system efficiency
Three Questions: Karin Walters
Brand Spotlight
Ask the Experts
Begonias: A strong and viable market
Getting a grip on environmental controls
Fungicides: Fighting foliar leaf spots
The benefits of active ingredients
Hibiscus: Aris Horticulture’s hibiscus stunners
Lighting: 5 questions with Mike Anderson
Mychorrizae Applications: Understanding mycorrhizae and root zone microbes
Perennials: A one-stop perennial solution
Structures: Structural considerations
Tags and Labels: Top-shelf tags and labels