May 2021

Ask the Experts
Algae Remediation: Away with algae
Aphid Control: Aphid advice
Automation: Efficient labor staging, bottom line savings
Calibrachoa: R&D commitment, controlled breeding success
Conveyors: Fewer touches, bigger profits
Fungicides: Broad-spectrum control, application flexibility
The value of pH and EC
Herbicides: Efficacious and cost-effective
Integrated Pest Management: Effective pest management approaches for spring growers
LEDs: The reasons for retrofitting
Hemp: Capture soil-bound nutrients, limit stress
Petunias: Quick rooting, minimal maintenance
PGRs: Perfecting plant foundations
Rooting Infectious Diseases: Ridding root diseases
Shipping: Shipping solutions
Structures: Solid structures
Tags and Labels: A new way of merchandising
Water-Soluble Fertilizer: Customizable and versatile