September 2019

Outlook: What's your story?
Top stories from Greenhouse Management’s website
“Standard” poinsettias raise the bar
Hort Truths: Capitalize on your strengths
Meet the Grower: Julie Iferd: Cultivating quality
Tech Solutions: 10 tips to improve plant handling
Student Spotlight: Kendra Snyder
Three Questions: Diane Blazek
Cover Story: Vivacious violets
Quenching the thirst! Substrate hydration and wettability
Pest & Disease: Are they predisposed?
Pest & Disease: Glyphosate update
Industry Events: Cultivating better leaders and growers
Business Management: Is it time to go back to school?
Production: Key factors with ex-vitro acclimatization of tissue culture plants
Business Management: Screen-time sway
Business Management: Keep your accounts receivable healthy
Equipment: Get the most out of your environmental control systems
Marketing: Ready for your close-up?
Marketing: How stories can help you sell
Production: 5 tips to train new employees how to water
Funky Pests
2019 Increasing Profits
Annuals: A southern success story
Automation: Quick and easy
Begonias: Begonias and beyond
Reliable and durable
Fertilizers: A masterful product
Finance Knowledge: A bank with industry knowledge
In the mix
HPS Lighting: Shedding light on savings
Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas: A fast mover
Insecticides: New and novel
Mycorrhizae: Improved injector
PGRs: Controlling growth from A to Z
Propagation: Serious savings