September 2020

Outlook: Plant popularity
Top stories from Greenhouse Management’s website
Hort Truths: Plant retail post-COVID: are premium plants and higher prices the ‘new norm?’
Meet the Grower: Mark Clemmons: Cultivating a career
Tech Solutions: 10 tips for closing down a greenhouse for the winter
Student Spotlight: Lauryn Polito
Three Questions: Erico Mattos
Cover Story: Sanitation success
Methods for mitigating toxicity in fresh wood substrates
Trends: Badge of pride
Production: Four environmental conditions you must monitor during plant acclimatization
Pests & Diseases: How to integrate biopesticides and manage resistance
Marketing: Making the most of marketing fees
Human Resources: 7 tips for firing underperformers with dignity and respect
Business Management: Managing COVID-19’s casualties
Management: Post-pandemic checklist
Management: Leading during turbulent times
Lighting Report
2020 Horticultural Industries Leadership Awards
Increasing Profits
Annuals: Superior flower power
Automation: Automation keeps plant giant thriving
Begonias: Quality starts for quality plants
Easy integration
Fungicides: Stamp out root rots
Hibiscus: Low maintenance and return customers
HPS Lighting: Shedding light on savings
Hydroponic Substrates: Evolving solutions
LED Lighting: Partners from the very start
Miticides: Broad spectrum, superior control
Mycorrhizae: Powerful plant partners
Plant Growth Regulators: The right formula for labor savings
Structures: Building ingenuity