CAST 2022: PanAmerican Seed

The first interspecific impatiens from seed and a spreading begonia caught attendees' eyes.

The first spreading begonia, Hula F1 Spreading Begonia will fill landscape space well. Since plants are so voluminous, gardeners can use fewer plants to fill landscapes and containers. Its trailing habit is perfect for baskets and containers. The series is daylength neutral and is the earliest interspecific begonia to flower.


Solarscape and Solarscape XL are is the first interspecific impatiens from seed and excels in full sun to part shade. It’s easy to schedule since if offers growers an input that is available year-round. It provides high-impact color in sunny spaces in the ground and in containers. Solarscape will be available in Magenta Bliss, Neon Purple, Orange Burst  and White Shimmer next year, and Solarscape XL will be available in Salmon Glow.