Dümmen Orange announced as AAS Perennial Winner

The award was given for its Sweet Daisy Birdy Leucanthemum.

Dümmen Orange was recently announced as an All-America Selections (AAS) Winner for its Sweet Daisy Birdy Leucanthemum for the 2021 garden season. This new perennial Shasta daisy variety was selected as Regional Winner: Mountain/Southwest for its robust, long-lasting blooms and carefree longevity in gardens down to USDA Zone 3.     

“We are thrilled to receive this award by AAS, the oldest independent testing organization in North America,” said Keith Cable, president of Dümmen Orange, North America. “Professional horticulturists throughout North America determined that our Sweet Daisy™ Birdy Leucanthemum was a winner based on its garden performance, so it’s an honor that we value deeply.”

During the AAS Trials, the new variety of leucanthemum demonstrated excellent cold and heat tolerance and maintained a tidy, sturdy habit over the three-year trial. The flowers are large and pure white in color, appearing earlier in the season than the comparison varieties. Tested throughout USDA Zone 3 in Canada where it was incredibly hardy, it also flowered heavily through the southwest U.S. without any vernalization – an important attribute for a perennial.

The 5-inch daisy blooms feature small feathery petals around golden yellow button centers. Widely known as Shasta daisies, leucanthemum are used for both cut flowers and garden highlights while also providing food and habitat for many kinds of pollinators. Gardeners can enjoy this garden gem as a medium-height bright spot, that will provide years of beauty with very little maintenance

AAS® Winner Data – Sweet Daisy™ Birdy Leucanthemum

  • Genus species: Leucanthemum maximum
  • Common name: Shasta daisy
  • Flower color: Pure white with yellow centers 
  • Foliage color: Dark green
  • Flower size: 5 inches 
  • Plant height: 18-24 inches
  • Plant habit: Upright
  • Plant type: Perennial to Zone 3
  • Garden location: Full sun 
  • Garden spacing: 36 inches
  • Closest comparisons on market: Real Dream Shasta daisy

All AAS Winners were trialed throughout North America by professional, independent, judges who grew new, never-before-sold entries next to best-in-class comparisons. Only entries that had superior garden performance better than the comparisons were granted the AAS award designation.

Growers, retailers and consumers will find Sweet Daisy™ Birdy Leucanthemum from Dümmen Orange for sale as supply becomes available through the distribution chain. 

To order seed or cuttings and for more details from Dümmen Orange, please visit na.dummenorange.com.