Dümmen Orange donates royalties from Yellowstone Petunias

Dümmen Orange donates $80,000 to Yellowstone Forever, the official nonprofit partner of Yellowstone National Park.

Photos courtesy | Dummen Orange

As Cultivate'21 came to a close in Columbus, Ohio, leadership from Dümmen Orange presented a check in the amount of $80,000 to Yellowstone Forever, the official nonprofit partner of Yellowstone National Park.

Earlier this year, Dümmen Orange teamed up with Yellowstone Forever to sell Yellowstone Petunias at Lowe’s and independent garden centers throughout North America. The special variety of petunias were created by Dümmen Orange to commemorate the world’s first national park, Yellowstone, which was established in 1872. Royalties from the sales of Yellowstone Petunias will support a variety of projects inside Yellowstone’s nearly 3,472 square miles of land.

Yellowstone Forever’s park priorities include sustainability efforts, the Yellowstone Wolf Project and the Youth Conservation Corps. among other things. Donor support helps to fund these important projects and ensure the future of Yellowstone for generations to come.

Leadership from Dümmen Orange, Lowe’s and select Lowe’s growers attended Petunias with a Purpose, an event to highlight this year’s successful Yellowstone Petunia program. All royalties from sales of Dümmen Orange’s Yellowstone Petunias were donated to Yellowstone Forever in a check presentation to the foundation’s CEO and staff.

For more information on Dümmen Orange, please visit na.dummenorange.com.