e-GRO offers plant nutrition and growing media webinars

The e-GRO group of floriculture extension specialists have announced two new webinars on plant nutrition and fertilizers.

Electronic Grower Resources Online (e-GRO) is continuing its educational efforts with two new webinars. The e-GRO Plant Nutrition Research Webinar will take place Friday, Oct. 30, from 1 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Eastern. The e-GRO Group of Floriculture Extension Specialists will offer its first research update webinar on Friday, Oct. 30. There will be four, short 12 minute presentations and followed by time for questions. Topics are listed below.

  • Why Does My Substrate pH Drop When I Use a Basic Fertilizer?: Brian Whipker, NC State University 
  • Revising Your Phosphorus Fertilizer Strategy: Josh Henry, NC State University 
  • Using Vermicompost as an Organic Fertilizer for Container Plants: Stephanie Brace, Cornell University  
  • Silicon Fertilizer Enhances Stress Tolerance of Bedding and Potted Plants: Neil Mattson, Cornell University   

Click here to register for the Plant Nutrition Research Webinar.

The second webinar is Wood is Good! The Future of Fiber in Growing Media. It takes place Nov. 13 from noon to 1 p.m. Eastern.

Brian Jackson of North Carolina State University will present the topic, which will cover the use of wood-based substrates (or wood components in peat-based substrates), which has been evolving since the 1990s. Since 2004 there has been a growing interest in the use of wood materials in substrates. At no time has the potential been greater for the inclusion of these materials into our current greenhouse and nursery substrates than now. With interest and opportunity comes the need for understanding the differences in these products/materials and an even greater need for a systematic understanding of how wood components are manufactured and used.

Click here to register for Wood is Good! The Future of Fiber in Growing Media.