Farwest Show announces deadline for 2019 New Varieties Showcase submissions

Approved entries will be featured on the Farwest website and displayed on the show floor.

© Farwest Show

© Farwest Show

The Farwest Show announced June 30, 2019, is the final deadline to submit entries for the New Varieties Showcase. The New Varieties Showcase will highlight cutting-edge plant varieties from around the world. Industry experts and show attendees will judge the featured plants, singling out their favorites for Best in Show and People’s Choice awards. This year’s Farwest Show is Aug. 21–23 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Ore.

To have a plant variety considered for inclusion in the Showcase, fill out an entry form that is available for download (PDF) here. Return the completed New Varieties Showcase entry form by June 30 to Zen Landis at zlandis@oan.org or FAX it to 503-682-5099. Accepted entries will be invoiced $75 per variety.

To qualify for approved entry, plants must exhibit qualities such as greater hardiness, increased bloom time, more vibrant color, improved habit or better disease resistance. Entries must be new-to-market introductions for 2019 or 2020. Also, entries must be available for purchase from a designated grower or supplier exhibiting at the 2019 show. Approved entries will also be featured online at www.FarwestShow.com and displayed in the New Varieties Showcase on the floor with Macore plant tag labels.

Previously at the 2018 show, 60 varieties were on display, including annuals, grasses, perennials, shrubs and trees. For questions, contact Zen Landis at zlandis@oan.org or 503-582-2011.