Greenhouse leaf tier showing up in Michigan

Larvae of leaf tier can damage ornamental plants

Michigan greenhouse and nursery operators are reporting large numbers of adult greenhouse leaf tier (Udea rubigalis) moths in grass, weeds and other plants around their facilities. Also known as the celery leaf tier, the small brown ¾-in. moths are showing up in homeowners’ lawns too.
Tom Dudek senior district extension horticulture educator at Mich. St. Extension said the larvae feed on many types of plants including annuals, perennials, vegetables and weeds. It is referred to as the leaf tier because the larvae tie together the leaves they are feeding on with silk. Dudek said growers who identified the larvae found a single pyrethroid insecticide application was usually effective. On garden mums Dudek said growers should inspect the plant canopy below the flowers for signs of larvae activity.

Pictured: Larvae of the greenhouse leaf tier feed on annuals, perennials, vegetables and weeds.
Photo courtesy of Mich. St. Univ.