Get to know your congressman

Recess for Congress spells opportunity for green industry.

By Brian Gamberini, SAF

With Congress home in their districts for the month-long August recess, it’s a great time to meet with your congressional representative – either by making an appointment in the district office, attending a “Town Hall” meeting or hosting your lawmaker at your business.

Top on the list of things to chat about: The Farm Bill. The current law expires Sept. 30, and the House and Senate have yet to pass a final bill. They each have passed a version of the Farm Bill that addresses specialty crop needs, but the differences between the two bills (which are significant on other topics, including the nutrition provisions) must be resolved before a final bill can be passed by both houses and sent to President Obama for signature.

Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), a champion of specialty crops and of farm bill passage, said this week that the Farm Bill is a “ticking time bomb,” acknowledging that while House Speaker Boehner appears to want a bill this year, Majority Leader Cantor has “made it clear” that he does not want to get it done.

Congress must hear from members of the floriculture industry about the importance of the pest and disease, research and other programs benefiting the specialty crop industry that will only continue with Farm Bill passage.

Looking for something to do today to make your voice heard? Email your representatives asking them to move forward on the new Farm Bill. Send them a quick message today by clicking here.Go to and to check their August plans, and look for opportunities to meet with them and put floral industry issues front and center.