IPPS announces schedule for 2016 annual meeting

The event kicks off on Oct. 19 in Tempe, Ariz.

SALEM, OR – The International Plant Propagators’ Society (IPPS) - Western Region has announced the program for its 2016 Annual Meeting Oct. 19-22 in Tempe, Ariz.

“The unique desert climate provides a different view on horticulture,” said Emilie
Speciale, the conference organizer, said in a press release. “Conference attendees will have the special opportunity to experience the many desert climates and learn from desert-dwelling educators.”

Hosted at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel and Conference Center, the event begins on Oct. 19 with a pre-conference tour of the Arboretum of Flagstaff followed by a welcome reception. Oct. 20 offers educational sessions in the morning, with an afternoon tour of local producers Zvida Growers, Arid Zone Trees and Greenfield Citrus.

According to the press release, attendees can gather more knowledge through research presentations,then tour Desert Tree Farm, Arizona Wholesale Growers and Desert Botanical Garden on Oct. 21. The event concludes with a reception and banquet featuring live music and a silent auction. The featured speaker is desert plants author and Starr Nursery proprietor Greg Starr. On Oct. 22, a post-conference tour provides the opportunity to visit the Sonoran Desert Museum.

This year’s slate of speakers features both growers and scientists, including Mike Evans of Tree of Life Nursery, Diego Martinez of Van Belle Nursery Inc., Abe Casillas of the Arizona Cannabis Society and Dr. Ursula Schuch of the University of Arizona. Presentation topics include disease management, parboiled rice hulls for weed control, commercial cannabis propagation, production and micropropagation of natives and more.

Additional highlights for the meeting include the popular poster sessions, trade show, 'New Plant Forum' and 'Nuggets of Knowledge' session.

For more information and to register, visit www.wna.ipps.org.