LISTEN: Cultivate trends and holiday plants on the Green Industry Leaders Network podcast

In the latest podcast, Kate Spirgen and Chris Sabbarese discuss Cultivate’19 and holiday plant trends.

Photo © vermontalm | Adobe Stock

Photo © vermontalm | Adobe Stock

The Green Industry Leaders Network podcast recently featured Greenhouse Management Editor Kate Spirgen for its 59th installment. In the episode, “Cultivate & Holiday Plant Trends,” Spirgen and Chris Sabbarese, digital marketing and communications manager at Corona Tools, talked about their experiences at Cultivate’19, as well as holiday plant trends.

Cultivate’19 was Spirgen’s first year at Cultivate after taking the helm as editor of Greenhouse Management magazine earlier this year. Sabbarese visited Cultivate in 2018, and Corona Tools had an exhibit this year.

In the podcast, Sabbarese asked Spirgen about what she has noticed in holiday plant trends.

“What I have heard is that poinsettia sales have been kind of flat for the last couple of years,” Spirgen said. “When it comes to what’s kind of trending and what’s on the rise, it’s different plants that are either an alternative or something that you can bundle and sort of combine with a poinsettia.”

Spirgen noted that holiday plant alternatives include amaryllis bulbs, Christmas cactus, hellebores, Christmas roses, Cyclamen, Gerbera, rosemary, boxwood and ornamental peppers.

Listen to the podcast here: