Mycotrol ESO biopesticide available for purchase in the U.S.

BioWorks announced that the organic mycoinsecticide is registered all 50 states.

VICTOR, NY – BioWorks, a customer-focused provider of safe, proven and effective biopesticides and biofertilizers, today announced Mycotrol ESO, an organic mycoinsecticide, is now registered in all U.S. states. It can be used in greenhouses, nurseries and on turf and vegetables as well as landscapes and interiorscapes.

Mycotrol ESO is the organic version of BotaniGard ES and is highly effective for the control of whitefly, thrips, aphids and many other insects. Based on the highly successful fungus, Beauveria bassiana strain GHA, it is versatile enough to use as a stand-alone, as a tank mix partner or in rotation with other insecticides.

Mycotrol ESO is exempt from residue tolerances, has a 0-day pre-harvest interval and a 4-hour REI. There is no limit to the number of times it can be applied in a season and is compatible with many beneficial insects.

“Mycotrol ESO is an important tool for many of our growers,” said Joe Gionta, Director of Marketing and Sales. “It enables growers to control many troublesome insects with an organic product registered with the Washington State Dept. of Agriculture.”