National Garden Bureau releases 2019 'Year of the' marketing materials

2019's featured plants are snapdragon, pumpkin, Salvia nemorosa and dahlia.

Each year National Garden Bureau (NGB), the non-profit organization that promotes gardening on behalf of the horticulture industry and its members, encourages the use of selected plants for its “Year of the” program. 

For 2019, they are:
Annuals: Year of the Snapdragon: A nostalgic plant that has been updated for today’s garden. 
• Vegetables/edibles: Year of the Pumpkin: A wide variety of sizes, shape and colors make this a very fun class to promote!

• Perennials: Year of the Salvia nemorosa: Commonly known as Woodland Sage and is a great food source for pollinators.
• Bulbs: Year of the Dahlia: Highlighted in cooperation with the American Dahlia Society, a respected organization that helped make the NGB dahlia photo library the most extensive in “Year of” history!

Promotional marketing materials for the four 2019 “Year of the” classes are now available on the National Garden Bureau’s website