National green industry survey begins data collection

The purpose of the survey is to document trends in production, marketing and retailing practices in the U.S. green industry.

Photo Courtesy of Horticultural Research Institute

Photo Courtesy of Horticultural Research Institute

The Green Industry Research Consortium, with funding support from the Horticultural Research Institute (HRI), is launching the National Green Industry Survey this month. This represents the seventh time that this survey has been conducted since 1989. The purpose of the survey is to document trends in production, marketing, and retailing practices in the U.S. Green Industry.

"The study has been the steady source of information that is not collected by any other entity and has served the industry in so many capacities,” Dr. Charlie Hall, a research member of the Green Industry Research Consortium said. “The National Green Industry Survey also provides much of the needed data for our economic impact study which is important in providing our industry trade associations with the ammunition they need to affect state and national policy making affecting the future of the green industry."

“The results of this survey enable our AmericanHort advocacy team to educate Members of Congress, their staff, and other federal policymakers on our industry’s role, importance, and impact,” Craig Regelbrugge, AmericanHort Senior Vice President of Industry Advocacy & Research said. “Decision makers and influencers are more likely to support our policy goals when they understand our industry’s true impact on jobs and the economy, as well as human health and well-being, strong communities, and the environment.”

HRI encourages every business that receives the survey to participate. The survey is distributed via mail and email (when available) to randomly selected wholesale and retail firms throughout the U.S. Participation is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. If you would like to participate and do not receive a survey, contact the research team below:

Dr. Alan W. Hodges, University of Florida, 352-294-7674,

Dr. Hayk Khachatryan, University of Florida, 407-410-6951,

Dr. Charlie Hall, Texas A&M University, 979-458-3277,

Dr. Marco Palma, Texas A&M University, 979-845-5284,