Proven Winners releases new recipe guide for professional growers

The guide includes design tips, production knowledge, and planting diagrams for nearly 200 recipes that utilize new varieties.

Proven Winners has released its 2019 Recipe Guide for professional growers. Designed to be a useful tool for professional growers, the guide includes everything from creative design tips to critical production knowledge crafted by their lead growers. Planting diagrams for nearly 200 recipes that utilize new varieties for 2019 are pictured in the guide. Recipes containing the Annual of the Year — Lemon Coral Sedum, as well as the full National Recipe program, are also featured. 

Proven Winners is dedicated to helping growers succeed. Grower hotlines have been set up in the U.S. and Canada to field any questions they may have about producing premium-quality hanging baskets and containers. Find a United States or Canadian Proven Winners propagator who can assist you in your growing needs at

Photo courtesy of Proven Winners