Punch out pests: aphids

The experts at SePRO address pest-related questions to help growers knock down infestation problems more effectively.

Q: Dear SePRO, I’m a grower facing an aphid issue. They’re running rampant throughout my greenhouse. What should I do?

Mark Brotherton, SePRO Portfolio Leader: If you have a heavy pressure of aphids, we recommend Rycar. It’s a quick-acting solution that will also pick up whiteflies and mealybugs if these pests are also present within your greenhouse. Rycar has excellent crop safety, and is compatible with many commonly used beneficials.
Apply Rycar at 3.2 fl. oz. per 100 gallons. Ten to 14 days later, follow up the treatment with a Hachi-Hachi SC application at 21 fl. oz. per 100 gallons. This makes a good rotation, as Rycar will control whitefly, aphids and mealybugs, while Hachi-Hachi SC will add control of thrips, lepidopteran (early instar) and scale.
These two applications should take care of your aphid issue, but if you do have further pest pressures, look to switch to another chemistry, like Ornazin — or Preferal if you’re going the biological route — before switching back to a Rycar/Hachi-Hachi SC treatment.
For more information, contact your SePRO sales representative or visit www.sepro.com/rycar