Punch out pests: mealybugs

The experts at SePRO address pest-related questions to help growers knock down infestation problems more effectively.

Q: Dear SePRO, I’m a grower in the Midwest facing the beginning stages of mealybugs on my hibiscus varieties. What’s my best plan of active to minimize my risk of losing the entire crop?

Mark Brotherton, SePRO Portfolio Leader: To control mealybugs, research suggests applying Rycar at 6.4 fl oz/100 gallons. Adding Talus to the rotation at 12 oz/100 gallons will further solidify a mealybug program by applying multiple modes of action. Both Rycar and Talus are gentle on beneficial insects which is a great feature considering their rapidly growing use. If you are looking for an organic, OMRI-listed solution, Preferal Microbial Insecticide can be applied at 1 lb/100 gallons to control mealybug.