San Diego CAPCA plans nursery and greenhouse seminar

The event will take place June 1 and includes pest, weed and disease control information.

San Diego CAPCA is holding a Nursery Greenhouse Seminar on Wednesday, June 1 at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido.

The San Diego branch of the California Association of Pest Control Advisers has planned an educational program seminar includes features a regulatory update, seminars on water treatment, pathogen control, IPM demonstrations.

Nancy Rechcigl of Syngenta will present an update on downy mildews that focuses on avoiding resistance. Cheryl Wilen, a weed specialist with UC Cooperative Extension will go over results from recent weed management trials. And Jennifer Bergh-Browning of BASF will explain how to design a mite control program for nursery and greenhouse sites.

Continuing education credits are available. Early registration ends May 27, and costs $80 for members, non-members and students, and includes lunch. The seminar will cost $90 after the early registration period ends.

Click here to view the entire schedule.

For more details and to register online, visit