Gutter Connect

The Gutter-Connected Greenhouse is a series of 22-feet wide bays connected to the next bay by an aluminum gutter and expandable by adding on more bays as your business grows. 16 Bays (352 feet wide) equals approximately 1 acre. The column posts, which support the gutter are spaced 8 feet on center. Our standard greenhouse is 128 feet long. This is an engineered structure with a 90-mph wind load rating, and that wind load rating is increased to 130 mph when the cover is removed. The frame has a 20-pound snow load when the greenhouse is heated to a minimum of 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some of the Specs: Arches are on 4-feet centers and there are three runs of purlins attached with cross-connectors and pipe straps along the length of the arches. The structure is made from Gatorshield galvanized (rust resistant) structural steel with a minimum of 50,000 psi yield and 55,000 psi tensile strength. The arches are 1.66-inch steel, and the bottom chords and purlins are 1.315-inch steel.